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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. When is Q supposed to put Trump back in office? Isn't this kind of a meaningless thread? This may be the most unintentionally funny/ironic statements I've ever seen here. It's is basically the left's open and unanswered question to conservatives for at least the past eight years. Thoughts?
  2. Instead of gun control, let's get some more guns in the schools, to prevent people with guns from shooting up schools. Nice morals. Let's run/elect the guy who grabs women by the *****, has been accused of multiplesexual assaults and rape, and was besties with Epstein. Nice morals. Instead of helping to care for the children we force them to carry to term, let's cut entitlements because lazy welfare queens. Nice morals. In fact, let's just thump a Bible while we pack the pickup with AR-15s and Pabst Blue Ribbon on our way to the "totally not racist" All Lives Matter boat parade. That's what Jesus would do, after all. Totally moral. Those in glass houses...
  3. Hi, Irv! 😂😂😂
  4. Where's DC Tom when you need him? You are out of touch - probably age-related.
  5. No shir. Got any more breaking news? The best part is when you let them make it about Repubs vs Dems and not Rich vs Poor. Don't know which one you are? Good boy.
  6. So you think it's not a serious situation and decision for almost anyone? You think the poors are just out there ***** like rabbits and then like - "cool, I'm preggers- not I can get that abortion I always wanted!" Really? That shows an incredible lack of empathy. You seem to be a fairly intelligent person. Get a grip.
  7. F**k your feelings. Am I doing it right?
  8. Special thread by a special poster. What a mess!
  9. God's Old Party should keep legislating morals and pushing the bible down America's throat. It's really working out for them.
  10. Zerohedge is a suspected Russian-run fake Twitter account, FYI.
  11. Sure, blame Bills fans for being pessimistic. You new here? 😂
  12. Never heard of this. Was anyone in the car at the time?
  13. He's a phoney and not insane. That was an act. There was some thought at the time that he was a member of a white nationalist org in Florida, but the leader of that org backed off of this prior claim. Evidence is inconclusive. Nikalas was a MAGA guy though and an extremely hateful racist to be sure. Multiple photos of him sporting the beautiful red trucker hat. His instagram avatar was MAGA-themed. Huge racist. Snopes is your friend if you like the truth. From instagram private chat: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nikolas-cruz-white-supremacist-group/ In one part of the group chat, Cruz wrote that he hated, “jews, ni**ers, immigrants.” He talked about killing Mexicans, keeping black people in chains and cutting their necks. There are hundreds of racist messages, racist memes and racist Instagram videos posted in the group. One member even joked about Cruz’s particular venomousness, saying that although he hated black people, too, he didn’t “to a point I wanna kill the (sic) like nick.” Cruz said he hated black people simply because they were black; Cruz hated Jews because he believed they wanted to destroy the world. After one member expressed hatred for gay people, Cruz agreed, saying, “Shoot them in the back of head.” White women drew Cruz’s hatred as well, specifically those in interracial relationships, whom he referred to repeatedly as traitors.
  14. Technically, what do you mean by "bolsters your immune system"? I'm reading this as the kind of general bs statement that some practioner of homeopathy might say, as an example. Also, what does any of that have to do with HCQ or curing covid? @Doc can you weigh in here with your unbiased medical opinion? Your hypocratic oath feels shame, and rightfully so.
  15. Tell OJ that. You shaking his hand?
  16. Holy crap this is too funny! I love this timeline.
  17. Bease and Florida are a match made in heaven.
  18. So zinc helps you absorb HCQ better? I fail to see how that helps, considering HCQ apparently does nothing to help. Please school me on this again.
  19. I'm quoting a REAL doctor. @Doc said it works, but only if you take it with zinc. GO BILLS!!! I think I was more upset with the logic behind MAGA's entusiasm for it. You all wanted it to work because Trump, in his medical opinion, said it would work...for no reason. Never worked out, just like him.
  20. But did they try it with zinc? 😂😂😆🤣😄
  21. Yeah, that should be tough. /s
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