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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Those Freedom Pillows ain't gonna sell themselves.
  2. Well, that makes it completely ok. I mean if he said he just wanted to have them because he would miss them... And if he says he totally wasn't going to sell them. I don't know why, but I believe him! I mean, he's never lied before.
  3. I don't think they've even come close to the interest rates required to curb this inflation. They printed A LOT of money. Also, for anyone confused, Biden can't print money. Only the Fed can, a private institution. Edit: Also, for anyone interested, this represents a decrease in the value of any US Dollars you own, a.k.a. your savings. This is done to artificially prop up markets that are touted as free, but are clearly not. This is done to help large corporations and billionaires.
  4. Right? Legalize everything. No more cartels, no more Dr. Feelgoods. The fact that MJ was illegal for so long is just stupid.
  5. The world is experiencing insane inflation because money printer go brrrrrr for so long, especially since the 2020 crash. Overleveraged banks and Wallstreet have benefited from quatative easing policies that went on for far too long, leading to a massive economic bubble in many sectors around the world. Long term inflation is caused by literally one thing: printing more money. We (and many other countries) printed way too much and the bubble will pop spectacularly sooner rather than later. This problem far pre-dates this administration, so anyone pinning it on Biden Bad is either disingenuous or stupid AF. This issue spans multiple administrations, so I'm not necessarily even blaming Trump. We never fixed anything after 2008, just printed more money to bail out institutions (casinos) that were "too big to fail". It's a greed problem, mixed with a lack of transparency and poor timing. Blame Jay Powell and the Fed (a private organization) if you want a reasonable recent scapegoat, but that's not 100% right either.
  6. Oh, it's medicated...just not with legit prescriptions! 😄
  7. The very idea that this forum is moderated 🤣
  8. Haha...that wasn't so hard, now was it? A pro-entitlement Republican. Now I've seen everything. You must really love Jesus.
  9. Not what I asked, and that does not answer the question. You're telling me how you would make abortion prohibitive. It doesn't matter how you make it prohibitive, but once you do, are you willing to help pay for the result through entitlements?
  10. Thanks, Tom. You in favor of paying for the babies you force into existence?
  11. You have no answers, only platitudes about "morals" and "personal responsibility". What a mess.
  12. Did the Dems steal the election again?
  13. Every time I bring up entitlements I get ghosted. It's hilariously hypothetical to take both an anti-abortion and anti-entitlement position, yet here we are. Ladies and gentlemen, the Republican Party!
  14. Hey, I'm a Gen Xer! Everybody's here for the argument for the most part, which of course means that it's not likely to get all warm and fuzzy when you disagree on the fundamentals to begin with. I mean I'm in the middle of a ***** you posting frenzy because of my sports weekend. People are looking for a good fight! 😂 personally, I'm definitely not looking to get overly hostile or personal with anyone, but it happens. This place is insane.
  15. There were 300 million people in the world when the Bible was written. Now there are 8 billion. That's a 2666% increase in the number of humans. In your opinion, is life more or less valuable now?
  16. Is it though? Says who? There are plenty of poors in the world. Are you willing to pay for them?
  17. Yeah, ok. It is an interesting question though! I think the answer is xenophobia, with a wide brush. Statistics don't apply to individuals, and you seem pretty tolerant fella from what I've seen over the years. No hard feelings.
  18. Backwoods wisdom at its best!
  19. Respectfully, while we are both talking about crypto, the most meaningful part is about the exchanges. In a defi system, you are the only one who can access your funds. You are literally your own bank. Nobody can speculate with your funds. This FTX collapse could never happen on defi. They were literally betting their investors money with 170% leverage! It's what your broker does. It's what pension funds do. It's what market makers do. It's what banks do. It's what leads to 1929...1987, 2000, 2008, inflated markets and inflation today. Fractional reserve banking and its derivatives are a huge efing ponzi scheme. At least you know it. Spread the word.
  20. Why do you expect everyone else to be as responsible and capable as you claim to be? If you consider yourself to be an average human, that means that at least half of the 7-8 billion people on this planet are less intelligent/capable/responsible than you. You want to put your impose your moral truths on the rest of us. Are you going to pay for these unwanted children or are you just looking to be mad when people don't live up to your standards? Will their tragic upbringings help you sleep better at night? Just to be clear, you're in favor of entitlements, right?
  21. It's been orchestrated as R vs D. In reality, it's rich vs poor. If you don't know which category you fall into, then it's the latter.
  22. Defi is the future. FTX is (was) a centralized exchange that controlled all investor assets and f-ed around (and found out). Decentralized exchanges take the middle man out of the equation. Banks, brokers and other centralized equivalents will no longer be needed once defi takes over. It's the best and most transparent financial system the world has ever seen. Be your own bank, but be careful. We're still in the gold rush and there are many bandits out there!
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