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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Every accusation is a confession.
  2. Do you have internal text messages confirming this alleged fraud? I only ask because we now have that from Faux News. Did ya see?
  3. This is so pathetic. Hannity literally calls Rudy and Sidney "lunatics" and yet keeps propping them up publicly because he actually has zero respect for his MAGA idiot base. Yet all the MAGAs here can say is "what about the Libs???" Pathetic sheep.
  4. What does drinking have to do with anything?
  5. Yes, inflation is certainly NOT over. Nice to see you do accept facts when they align with your political ideology. Did you know that 10 of the 11 U.S. recessions between 1953 and 2020 began under Republican presidents?
  6. Bandito has disappeared anyhow. 😲 Off to the safe haven of Q I suppose.
  7. Wait...Biden FOUND him? Somebody tell Bandito, quick!
  8. Because they are old enough to be drafted, fight, and die for their country?
  9. FML
  10. So what did Hunter Kushner do with that $2,000,000,000?
  11. Keep rationalizing, kitties. Nothing to be afraid of. We got this.
  12. I'll bet you're happy you're protected and you didn't even have to get that scary shot! It's okay, kitty, we got you boo! While you continue to benefit from those who were braver than you. Glad it worked out for you. The world is a frightening place sometimes!
  13. I draw the line by looking around me and seeing what's going on. I haven't gotten the flu vaccine out of laziness over the years and as a result, I've gotten the flu a couple of times and it sucks. If there was a major deadly flu outbreak I would be sure to do my part to protect the herd and get the shot. If there's a Covid outbreak that shutting down life as I know it, I'm going to get the booster. In other words, my actions will change based on the circumstances. Probably a foreign concept, I know... I now look with disdain at those who were too scared of the science to do the right thing. IMO ya'll talk a tough game but go into hiding as soon as it gets a little uncomfortable, hiding behind ant-government propanda and conspiracy theories. As a result, I'll never expect too much from my fellow red Americans. Here kitty, kitty, kitty! 🙀 Don't worry, tho. It's still your choice, snowflake! Let the Libs take that risk away for you.
  14. Nope! Not even. Anti-vaxxers are as soft as 10-ply Charmin. They live their lives scared: frightened of boogiemen, frightened of science, frightened of people who are different, and frightened of change. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes 1. Conservatives tend to focus on the negative. In a 2012 study, liberal and conservative participants were shown collages of negative and positive images on a computer screen while their eye movements were recorded. While liberals were quicker to look at pleasant images, like a happy child or a cute bunny rabbit, conservatives tended to behave oppositely. They’d first inspect threatening and disturbing pictures—things like car wrecks, spiders on faces, and open wounds crawling with maggots—and would also tend to dwell on them for longer. This is what psychologists call a “negativity bias.” If you think about it, this makes sense. When attention is biased toward the negative, the result is an overly threat-conscious appraisal of one’s surroundings. To many conservatives, the world may look like a much scarier place. This would seem to explain why so many major conservative viewpoints tend to be rooted in fear—fear of the president, immigrants, vaccinations, etc. 2. Conservatives have a stronger physiological response to threats. A 2008 study published in the journal Science found that conservatives have a stronger physiological response to startling noises and graphic images. This adds to a growing body of research that indicates a hypersensitivity to threat—a hallmark of anxiety. But why exactly would those who scare more easily tend to support conservative views? One social psychologist from the University of Central Arkansas, Paul Nail, has a pretty interesting answer: “Conservatism, apparently, helps to protect people against some of the natural difficulties of living. The fact is we don’t live in a completely safe world. Things can and do go wrong. But if I can impose this order on it by my worldview, I can keep my anxiety to a manageable level.” This could explain the two parties’ different stances on gun control. It makes sense that those who startle more easily are also the ones that believe they need to own a gun. 3. Conservatives fear new experiences. A 2008 study cataloged items found in the bedrooms of college students and saw that while liberals owned more books and travel-related items, conservatives had more things that kept order in their lives, like calendars and cleaning supplies. This suggests that liberals more often seek adventure and novel experiences. Conservatives, on the other hand, may prefer a more ordered, disciplined lifestyle. This could help explain why they can be resistant to change and progressive policies. 4. Conservatives’ brains are more reactive to fear. Using MRI, scientists from University College London have found that students who identify themselves as conservatives have a larger amygdala than self-described liberals. This brain structure is involved in emotion processing, and it's especially reactive to fearful stimuli. It is possible that an oversized amygdala could create a heightened sensitivity that may cause one to habitually overreact to anything that appears to be a potential threat, whether it actually is one or not. This disproportionate fear response could explain how, for example, Bush’s administration was able to gather wide public support amongst conservatives for invading Iraq. Maybe if they said the phrase “weapons of mass destruction” enough times, it wouldn’t matter whether they existed or not. Empirical evidence suggests that conservatives and liberals don’t just have different outlooks and opinions—they also have different brains. This means that our choice of political affiliation and overall worldview may not really be all that much of a choice. Still, we must work to understand these psychological and biological distinctions so that we can ultimately use this knowledge to work together and find middle ground. Such information may also make us less vulnerable to those who want to exploit these dispositions for their own selfish agendas by using tactics like fear-mongering. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes
  15. They're not actually ready to come out and say it, but this is the Conservative solution to school shootings.
  16. The truth is that we won't know all the side effects until years down the line. It was never about that. This was always our best shot at getting back to normal. Some people bravely took a chance for the greater good and some put on their tinfoil hats a acted like a bunch of whiney, paranoid kitties. Weak! The sad thing is that all the anti-vaxer pricks benefit from herd immunity anyway. But the unvaxxed death rate is much higher if Covid finds a way past the tinfoil. Be careful out there!
  17. "They don't want you to know!" The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Otherwise, every ridiculous claim demands proving some insane negative, which is neither productive nor efficient. You have a claim? Fine. Present some convincing evidence.
  18. Of, it's funny AF because of the knots I get to watch the good Christian Republicans twist themselves into now. But I do think he looks happy in that video, and less of a joke than he is now.
  19. We should start a thread to debate the finer point of Star Wars or Harry Potter next. Remember Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny? You're let those ones go, right? Right??
  20. The Damar Hamlin thread was such an incredible failure that the author seems to have deleted it and gone into hiding. How embarrassing! Anyway, I did some research and found him: #livedsuddenly
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