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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  2. What tale will he come up with next? Holding my breath.
  3. Idiots. She's not talking about physical strength, clearly. The "devil" went to Eve because she was more easily corruptible., lacking moral fiber or something. At least that's what this bimbo is implying. This is so ***** stupid and right on brand for MTG. Jewish Space Lasers, bro. Trouble in paradise? 🤣
  4. Yeah, she's crap too! You didn't think he was lying to you when he was lying to you, but he's totally not lying to you now! Tucker loves the uneducated too.
  5. Remember when Biden was found liable for sexually abusing a woman in the 90's? Me neither.
  6. Got u fam: https://www.newsmax.com/ FIFY
  7. It says in the script that you're supposed to be mad about the "white guy" part. An easy mistake to make, no doubt.
  8. Tucker lies to you all of the time. He looks down on you. He is an entertainer, not a journalist. He admitted as much. Never forget.
  9. Am I wrong, gangsta? Yeah, eff em all! Why do you care so much what other people want to do if they're not hurting you or yours, old man? It's actually BS, but it's your fairy tale, not mine. Your god is a lie.
  10. Shouldn't that priest have an alter boy or two, for accuracy's sake? I love how you morons talk about trans people not being real, but then kneel down every day to a guy who "rose from the dead" like a zombie after three days. Then you celebrate by literally eating his body and drinking his blood like a vampire. You literally believe that. Totally more plausible than someone being trans. No wonder you're all such easy marks.
  11. You are one of, if not the stupidest poster I've ever seen on PPP, and I've been here a long time. FYI Carry on. You're not far behind, but all you do is post tweets that others write, so not quite there. It is always fascinating to see the sources of your particular brainwashing. Lemming.
  12. You should visit the "Another Republican" thread if you're interested in stopping the sexualization of children. Project much? Thoughts and prayers.
  13. You only care about them until they are born.
  14. Hahahahaha!!! Can't spin your way out of this one so just shrug and move on. This ***** is just too funny, comrade.
  15. I'm enjoying the hypocrisy of the same people who cried about cancel culture canceling Bud Light and Jesus Chicken. What's next, NASCAR? Hobby Lobby? Bass Pro Shop? Walmart? You're all gonna have to start eating arugula with the hippies if you keep it up.
  16. You don't know what I'm in to.
  17. I'd love to hear your take on the whole "running away to a Russian TV appearance and begging Putin for citizenship" thing. Putin's not so bad, right?
  18. I mean, sure I would.
  19. I hope they go bankrupt. Imagine being so intolerant as a Christian that you decide to boycott Jesus Chicken. WWJD?
  20. Not there yet. It's kind of like Daniel Penny. Nobody cares, and you can't understand why.
  21. Everyone in the echo chamber getting butthurt about this. Idgaf, just makes me laugh.
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