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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. It would take a Titanic effort.
  2. Did you reall just type that?
  3. I didn't know why he kept deleting it. You're right, it's not even that funny any more - the quote about tribal sovereignty is much more humerous!
  4. They'd probably complain about their inabilaty to practice their love with women all accross this country. HINT: THIS IS A REFERENCE TO DUBYA'S COMMENTS ON HEALTH CARE, NOT AN ACCUSATION OF RAPE BY ANY OBGYN! http://news.bostonherald.com/election/view...articleid=43150 I wouldn't want anyone to accuse me of posting in poor taste!
  5. It crosses the line in your opinion. They're expressing theirs and the 1st Amendment guarentees them the right. America is an all or nothing proposition, love it or leave it, right?
  6. In all honesty, thank you all for your service. God bless you, every one. However, this thread explains so very much about the views of some of my fellow Bills fans. We will never see eye to eye on many issues.
  7. Nobody will argue that Mr. Rove ran a wonderful campaign. Didn't some scapegoat from the Bush campaign resign over the fact that he was affiliated with SBVT?
  8. He has more of a right to say what he thinks about the war than somebody who was never there. Many of the recounts of his actions while there sound pretty heroic to me. My father was there for 8 months and came back with 2 purple hearts and a bronze star. He thinks the war was wrong too and supported Kerry. That's all I'm saying.
  9. Like a lot of people this time around, I don't think I ever really identified with Kerry as much as I opposed Bush. I think I took a stance and stuck with it, thereby biasing the filter with which I saw events unfold - if that makes any sense. The attacks on Kerry's war record really pissed me off because, no matter what, he was there. He didn't try to get out of it or run for Canada, but went and fought. At around the same time, it seems, Bush was skirting the guard duty his father line up for him, all the while vocally supporting the war as just and righteous - a true chickenhawk in every sense of the word. The attack on Kerry's war record seems very hollow and hypocritical coming from Bush.
  10. I wasn't around, but it seems to me that a lot of people had issue with what was going on in Vietnam. IMHO, Kerry felt strongly about what had happen, as did a lot of other vets. He spoke out and demonstrated against the war, as did a lot of vets and other people. I have no frame of reference for Vietnam, but his actions sound alright to me. Of couse, I'm a bleeding heart Liberal, so take it for what it's worth.
  11. I'll answer. Probably not. - me too (if you couldn't tell ) Maybe. - I've seen interviews with the guy who greased the wheels...Maybe? Yes. - from all I've heard, he served admirably and the hatred stems from what he did when he came back to the USA. Please expand if you would.
  12. I couldn't agree more! I didn't say "educated on the issues", I said educated - something you obviously value less than I. The fact remains that most registered Independents voted Democratic this time, so more of the Bush supporters were ticket voters.
  13. To be honest, that sounds good to me at this point. Just remember, the country is NOT divided.
  14. I'm nearly sure you won't answer this directly, but do you think Bush was where he was supposed to be during the time in question? Do you think Bush Sr. used his influence to keep his son out of Vietnam? Do you think that the Swift Boat vets were justified in attacking Kerry's service?
  15. I just find it interesting that the very documents that could have incriminated/cleared him are the ones that went missing. Don't you?
  16. No doubt, isn't it obvious?
  17. Further confirming what I always suspected - you sir, are an as$hole. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  18. ...and Bush may not have had they not "lost" his.
  19. Some folks'lll never eat a skunk But then again, some folks'll Like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel Most folks'll never lose a toe But then again, some folks'll Like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel
  20. You're missing the point. The rest of us are irrelevant for at least two years now that the Republicans are in complete control. The gloating continues, yet we have the elitist attitude. To say the country is divided is an understatement IMHO. There is a growing ideological and educational gap between Liberals and Conservatives that is not likely to close anytime soon.
  21. Elite or not, nearly half the country is thinking just about the same things. Laughing about it does not make it less true, nor does it make the country any less divided.
  22. Kool-aid, get your kool-aid here! Bush is intelligent now because of his first rate liberal education? You can't honestly listen to the man speak and believe this crap, can you? I wish my daddy was rich and well-connected so I could skate through the Ivy League and become president too!
  23. Now there are two reasons why 2008 cannot come soon enough.
  24. I think the exact same thing when reading this board some days.
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