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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Rush said so. So did Savage.
  2. O'Reilly ALSO says:
  3. At least the welfare/impoverished section of society is voting in a manner that will help them out. Dems are generally more likely to seek funding for social programs that are geared toward helping out the people you are referring to. At least they realize that the lesser of two evils is the one that they and their families can benefit from the most. They've figured out that Dubya<>Jesus. Just because you don't agree with my views does not mean I watch Farenheight 9/11 every night before I go to bed or that I even like Michael Moore. Come to think of it, you're starting to sound a bit like bad right-wing conservative radio. Rush is Right, so tow the party line, lemming.
  4. I GUARENTEE that most of the voters that voted for Kerry were actually voting AGAINST Dubya.
  5. I'd wager that many of the 51% were voting strictly against abortion and gay marriage. Like it or not, the Republican party has hijaked and monopolized moral behavior and religion to a point where certain people will vote for whomever is put on the Republican ticket. When you get a group that so clearly votes against their own economic interests, you just have step back and realize that you're not dealing with an informed cross section of the poplace. Realize this: it comes down to the fact that the Bush people (Karl Rove) ran a better campaign than did the Dems - it's as simple as that. Both parties tried to manipulate the people, and the Pubes did a better job of it. That's why Dubya is still in office.
  6. Wait, I forgot, Dubya's a STAND UP GUY!
  7. Sarcasm doesn't become you. Link? How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB? - that about sums it up.
  8. I'm not sure where you live, but in Rochester, Buffalo & Syracuse, this is a great site: http://www.rochesterhdtv.com/ I live a bit closer to the tower than you, but not by much. I recently purchased an OTA Samsung SIR-T151 reciever ($100) and a Silver Sensor indoor antenna ($20) on ebay and have not been at all disappointed with the results. Make sure you have an HD capable display device and maybe even a Dolby 5.1 receiver and you will not believe the difference in the picture and sound quality. I look at it as a great stop-gap until HD content becomes the norm (and cheaper) via cable and sattelite. The only issue is that CBS is too cheap to install the necessary equipment to broadcast HD locally in Rochester, meaning no Bills games - they are the last holdout of the 4 networks. In Buffalo, this is not an issue. I'm not sure I'd want to watch most Bills away games in HD right now anyway! I'd be happy to answer any other questions you might have, as I just went through this and got everything set up about a month ago. PM me if you like.
  9. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. You're only as old (and/or bitter) as you feel!
  10. Yes, it's much better to be old and bitter.
  11. Perhaps you'd feel less aggressive and war-mongering if you whacked yourself.
  12. Oh, where do they say the WMDs are now? CNN and the New York Times are surely covering up caches of biological and nuclar weapons all over Iraq - those bastards! Dubya'll find 'em - just give him 4 more years!
  13. I hate Joe Theisman.
  14. No coach in this league matches up well with Belichick. I wouldn't expect our rookie HC to outcoach him.
  15. I'm not sure which game you were watching, but the pass protection was the least of this team's problems last night. Bledsoe had plenty of time to throw - right to the Patsies secondary.
  16. For all those who get off knocking the big guy: he's showing a lot of heart playing just a week after a big scare. He's been playing a lot better as of late. It's amazing what good coaching can do for good talent. Now you guys suck!
  17. He's the only person I've "met" who lives in Alaska.
  18. You're such a tool.
  19. The caribou part was an afterthought...in reference to the picture CNN had next to the article. I guess by your response you're all for drilling the !@#$ out of Alaska - I would have thought otherwise, but you seem to have some strong feelings about it. I'm not pretending to understand the intricacies of the tundra or the plight of the caribou population at any given temperature, so I'll bow to your apparant expertise. My intent was to bring the article to light, not to incur the Wrath of Darin. My bad! I'm such a friggin lemming!
  20. Republicans in the House and Senate said this week they plan to push for Alaska refuge drilling legislation early next year, and they predict success, given the 55-44-1 GOP Senate majority in the next Congress. Democrats and some environmental activists say continued protection of the refuge has never been as much in doubt. "It's probably the best chance we've had," Rep. Richard Pombo, R-California, chairman of the House Resources Committee and a vocal drilling advocate, said in an interview. http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/11/10/...y.ap/index.html Stupid Caribou
  21. WOW, how very lame this thread has become!
  22. Oh my God! I'm turning into Dubya!!!
  23. The difference, mine was done using Photoshop. Yours needed needed no such treatment to make it childish - you just had to copy it from the internets.
  24. Hey, LOVE the avatar! Way to spin a sophmoronic moment by Chief Dubya into an anti-terrorist slogan. "Hot" Karl Rove may have a job for you, why don't you give him a call!
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