I don't care what you think about my politics or beliefs. Many of my views fall on the left, true, but at least I have some perspective. I'm anti-Bush and quite vocal about it, but I'm a Christian and think that religion has a place in public life. I resent the fact that Republican party has hijaked religion and their so-called "values". It's a simple play to the weak and stupid, and I'm not just talking about "red states". I'm also anti-abortion and anti-big government. The problem is that, like all politicians, the current incarnation of the Republican party talks out of both sides of it's mouth. All I see is government getting more and more involved in my life, the rich getting richer and my freedoms getting taken away one by one while young Americans are giving their lives in a war that the US had no business starting in the first place. I've never considered myself a liberal before seeing this president in action.
I do appreciate your worldly views on me, however.