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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. IF, I repeat IF he continues to play like he has in recent weeks, there's no reason why he shouldn't be the starter next year.
  2. Are you referring to the re-election of Dubya? I can't believe that I actually agree with you on something!
  3. For the last time, I'm not Tenny ya friggin meatball!
  4. Thanks, AD...err...KD...err...BIB...err...whatever, B word!!!
  5. Where ya at, B word? Throwing out statements like this and then running away...go hide, little girl! Drew lives to fight another day - great game!
  6. Actually, the more I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was that stevestojan guy. No offense intended! I'm sure your taste in music must be better than that!
  7. Didn't you start some thread about being all excited about going to a Britney Spears show? Am I confusing you with someone else?
  8. Not supremacists, just racially insensitive. But that's for the PPP board.
  9. That's garbage. As stated before, she's from Buffalo. They also still live in Buffalo during the offseason. Peca left for the money, plain and simple.
  10. Somebody who doesn't like my politics. He's a little funny if you know what I mean.
  11. Too funny that bilsinsider is replaced by !@#$! This place is great!
  12. One of the best things about this site is the fact that it doesn't allow images directly in the posts. I'm sure it must have somthing to do with saving bandwidth and all that, but I've never seen anything quite as gay on a message board as the "signiture" pictures some of those idiots include by default in every single one of their posts. The hacks must spend hours Photoshopping their favorite players and images into something that truly represents who they are. It's nothing but distracting, lame, and a waste of screen space IMHO. Avatars are quite enough, and in my case, more than enough. Thank you, TwoBillsDrive! Keep up the good work!
  13. This is simply a case in point. Stupidity and blind loyalty run rampant on both sides of center. It's more obvious from the righties because there are simply more of you who post here. Do what you do best and continue to pile on! I've got to admit, I'm at a loss as to the significance of the second quote you cited. I'm not even being a dick, I just don't get your point.
  14. Well why bother commenting if your not going to read it, numbnuts? I think the post that you failed to read addresses your statement sufficiently, so I shall not elaborate further. Insert generic pot/kettle-like reference "here"... (I know you are, but what am I?)
  15. I don't care what you think about my politics or beliefs. Many of my views fall on the left, true, but at least I have some perspective. I'm anti-Bush and quite vocal about it, but I'm a Christian and think that religion has a place in public life. I resent the fact that Republican party has hijaked religion and their so-called "values". It's a simple play to the weak and stupid, and I'm not just talking about "red states". I'm also anti-abortion and anti-big government. The problem is that, like all politicians, the current incarnation of the Republican party talks out of both sides of it's mouth. All I see is government getting more and more involved in my life, the rich getting richer and my freedoms getting taken away one by one while young Americans are giving their lives in a war that the US had no business starting in the first place. I've never considered myself a liberal before seeing this president in action. I do appreciate your worldly views on me, however.
  16. At least "who cares either way" is honest. The whole premise of this thread sucks.
  17. The very fact that this thread is being attacked by the usual suspects clearly shows the blind partisanship that is the prevailing attitude here. Instead of agreeing with the point of this thread - the fact that these abstinence only programs are an ineffective waste of our tax dollars, they see it as an attack on Dubya and their precious values. They then attack everything but the original point in attempt to discredit a completely valid point that is back up by numbers and facts. I know that some on the left are guilty of the same in some cases, and perhaps I'm biased, but it seems to me that this blind allegiance is ignorant, unintellegent (sic) and lazy. Hey people, think for yourselves! It's impossible for your side to be right about everything!
  18. Don't confuse them with the facts - let them have their fun while sticking their heads in the sand. Everyone knows that the rest of the world loves Dubya and is quite happy to see him re-elected, especially Canada...GEEZ!!! I'm assuming that was the whole point of this thread, right? Canada's love affair with Georgie Boy?
  19. Wow, yoo reelie arr ann idiot!
  20. Like other have said, this thread proves your case beyond a doubt. The intolerance and pettiness here is rivaled only by that of the Bush administration. You're right, this board does suck. Dubya surely loves you and yours and your simplemindedness! Keep up the good work.
  21. Sqawk! The oline sucks! Polly wanna cracker?
  22. The new Kings of Comedy. They'll be here all year.
  23. No, I fully comprehend the origin of the term "boy". Times change, pal. Gay used to mean happy, remember? Would winning the lottery make you gay?
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