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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Sounds about right.
  2. Oooo a new FBI cOnSpIrAcY! Did you do your own "research"? Please tell us more.
  3. Sure, Doc, sure. You're so right about so many things. Taking your zinc?
  4. So many to choose from!!
  5. Do you remember when Republicans used to hate Nazis and Russians? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
  6. Oh my, how tone deaf/stupid are you people?
  7. Wtf did I just read?
  8. Word is Democrats can can control the weather, while Republicans cannot. Ask yourself why.
  9. What I'm hearing: Harris is controlling the weather.
  10. This is some biblical schitt. I had no idea it was this bad.
  11. Jesus man, let the old fella have his farewell tour in peace!
  12. Why DID Elmo turn super MAGA all of a sudden? 🤔 Just asking questions here.
  13. Denial is so funny when it's forced and twisted up!
  14. Snopes is "Undecided" on this one! 😱 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/epstein-musk-maxwell-email/
  15. Well it's not quite as believable as migrants eating cats and dogs, or even Jewish space lasers, but I did my own research. I found at least as much evidence for this as for the others. Maybe you should do your research too!
  16. 100% predictable and on-brand.
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