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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. This whole board is nothing but a bad re-run of itself. I'm only doing my part like the rest of you, Mr. Ex-Presidential Candidate.
  2. Here there is only one right point of view. You mind your manners before you're dealt with!
  3. Yes, of course, I'm obviously ignoring a great deal of wonderful insight My bad
  4. I don't pretend to be above anything, but I do not blindly support the company line like many here. All I'm saying is that you should be prepared for severe intolerance if your views tend to fall on the left. If I respond to this intolerance in kind, well, I guess that's (one of) my shortcomings - at least I admit this. There is no constructive debate on this board, so why bother? I think the responses to my first post prove this conclusively, "Alaska."
  5. Quit while you're ahead. In case you can't tell, there's an EXTREME right lean on this board. It's really best to just read it and laugh at the fact that such little thought goes into opinions they will defend to the death. There is no debate here, only attacks. They are here to make each other feel good about being Righties.
  6. Lighten up, Francis.
  7. Hell yeah, don't be talking sh-- about Toby. Toby totally rocks!
  8. I agree, the Godfather is a better movie, but the LOTR trilogy as a whole is better than the Godfather trilogy as a whole. #3 was terrible! This is an interesting list: http://www.imdb.com/chart/top
  9. I'd take Peerless Price back if he came at a reasonable salary. We've seen what he can do when as a #2, and here he'd be a #3.
  10. Yes, because post count is the only sceintific way to determine whether or not someone has a good point. I think that the magic number is 16,000. After that, all your posts are good ones.
  11. But...you don't vote for Republicans, even though your views consistantly fall to the right. I'm sure you're 'independence' is really making a difference. You've proven yourself to share nearly every Republican viewpoint, yet say that you are not a Republican so that you can claim some sort of ideological or moral superiority. It's utter BS. If it smells like a Republican and talks like a Republican and thinks like a Republican then it's probably Alaska Darin. Deny it if you like, but I'd venture to guess that you've voted for a hell of a lot more Republicans than Democrats. Maybe you've mixed in some Independents to keep yourself honest, but who are you trying to fool? Somtimes our actions define who and what we are.
  12. So...you don't agree with Democrats and therefore don't vote for them. But...you don't vote for Republicans, even though your views consistantly fall to the right. So...you obviously like the idea of yourself as a noble independent who is above all this two-party crap, effectively rendering yourself and your vote relatively meaningless. Keep fighting the good fight and putting down the Libs while pretending you're not Conservative. It's SO tired. "If not for her, the federal gov't would have closed some of the VA hospitals in NYS, at a time of increasing disabled vets." - PastaJoe He already gave one thing, which is one more than you used to support your claim that she is a bad senator.
  13. This thread has really added a lot to the board, Mrs. Belichick. Thanks.
  14. Best not sign any offensive linemen, lest it appear that we are pandering to the needs of Bledsoe.
  15. Wiley's production in Buffalo can be directly linked to having Bruce Smith on the same line. He was never as good as his numbers and he proved that when he left.
  16. It's clear that even the "Red Staters" are OK with medical marijuana. It's a shame that the Bush administration seems so dead-set against it. Hopefully the Supreme Court does not hold the same views and will abide by what is obviously the will of the majority in this matter.
  17. You mean do I have anything to add to the "Liberals Suck" topic at hand? No. Should we let this little Conservative lovefest go on without comment? Whatever, enjoy yourselves. Is the majority of this board only interested in one view on everything? Maybe. If the rest of us just shut up, "happy time" can go on forever! Wouldn't that be interesting! BTW, Bush sucks! Don't break your arms patting yourselves on the back.
  18. I love the USA, thank you very much. That's why I'm so concerned about the idiot that is currently in charge.
  19. And a pink jacket! Then jump off a bridge. that would be cool...huh...huh
  20. Are you DC Tom or his lawyer? You're right about one thing, we are definately now dealing with the stupidity and have nobody to blame but ourselves for putting him there.
  21. I never thought I'd be happy to hear those words! Thank you, Stillers!
  22. Sitting the bench for two years really hurt Pennington's development. I for one will never be "in JP's ass", but whatever floats your boat!
  23. 4 touchdowns is not average (unless you're Peyton Manning).
  24. Ya, aside from the turnovers the defense really played like ass today. Good thing Drew was there to pick them up. Are you going to bash the defense now?
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