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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Wow, what a bunch of dicks you all are!
  2. Great choice, I totally agree.
  3. ...and Lee Evans, Randle El and Heinz Ward... It's so easy to be a critic when you ignore the positive.
  4. Probably too graphic, but funny!
  5. Holy carbon-copy right wing pile on thread! It's like reading my favorite book over and over and over again.
  6. Do you think your very correct statement should have been more closely paid attention to by our leaders pre-Iraq invasion?
  7. So the troops aren't supporting the troops? It's so clear now!
  8. Your tolerance become you. Nice avatar.
  9. You are an evil, unpatriotic heathen because you don't agree with the war. So what if you didn't actually DO anything to protest the war other than send care packages to the troops and express your displeasure with the war on a message board? Communist! Wait till McCarthy hears of this! Didn't you learn anything from the Nazis??? Even you cannot possibly believe the crap in this post.
  10. So basically, we should avoid any thoughts or actions contrary to the current administration's stance on today's most important international issue. Diversity of opinion should be squashed down at all costs. I'm sure there would be no radical fringe then! Do you really think the average kid who's thinking about joining the military is looking at these crazy wackos on both sides and saying to himself "Gee, I was gonna join up, but these freaks have convinced me otherwise! I think I'll join them instead and screw America over!" I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fear of injury and death.
  11. You're treating your political party like a football team. I take it you don't plan on thinking for yourself for the next 32 years at least.
  12. This is the rallying cry of hard-line Republicans everywhere. Thanks for putting it into so many words. Did it ever occur to you guys that recruitment is "in the red" because there is a war going on and kids don't want to sign up to possibly die in Iraq? Nothing like putting it all on the line for a government who continually cuts your wages and benefits while leaving your family SOL and living off of food stamps while you're overseas. I have a feeling that recruitment will pick right back up after this whole Middle East thing blows over. Personally, I was against the war before the invasion, and I'm against the war now. My opinion has not change. The very soldiers you claim to support are being sent to fight and maybe die in a war that we shouldn't have started in the first place. That is my opinion, and yours is obviously different. However, while I don't have any yellow ribbons adorning my car, I have made no attempt to obstruct or subvert to the war effort or troops. Not only that, but I truly admire the brave men and women who go where they're told to fight who they're told. They are mere pawns in all of this, as their actions are dictated from senior command and ultimately the Prez. In short, I support and pray for the troops, but I don't support the war. By your logic, I guess I don't exist - what a relief to many of you! I'm glad that I live in a country where I can think for myself, and sometimes even express my opinion without being bullied by partisan crap like you're spewing.
  13. Pot, meet kettle.
  14. Mr. "I'm a horrible person" is questioning my stability? Now I've heard everything.
  15. Oh, and your reply to my post really contributed a lot! Every post of mine/every thread on PPP and TSW actually does not necessarily require your response and/or commentary. I'm sure it's lonely up north, but there's no need to stick your nose in and be heard on every single issue.
  16. 17,000 beauties like this one aren't too far off! A bit off topic, but what does that little piece of sarcasm have to do with anything I said? Just wondering if you're simply typing to see your screen name and creative avatar on the monitor.
  17. Remember when we were going to catch him by Christmas and then New Years...that was AWESOME!!! http://www.borrull.org/e/noticia.php?id=27...a5b9295bbb1ffe0 How nice that the prez no longer thinks about the man who started all of this crap. http://freepressinternational.com/bush2002.wmv
  18. Hopefully it'll lead to a lot of tackle eligible plays to Peters in the end zone. Either way, if they're moving him to LT permanently, they must think he'll be a good enough T to make the switch. It will be interesting to watch, especially if the Shelton trade goes through.
  19. WHY?!?!?!?! Very nice debate, fellas. A good read all the way through.
  20. Given factual proof of a plot by al Quada (harbored by the Taliban) to attack the USA pre September 11, I would have supported a preemptive invasion of Afghanistan. Did I miss something? Was it even an option? Did Dubya deem the al Quada threat to be anything more than an inconvenience at that point? But then again, I supported the invasion of Iraq based on the lies spewed by this administration prior to this war. I made the mistake of trusting this president, like so many others. Now I know better, unlike many here.
  21. If our intentions were so pure and we were so very concerned about what went on in Halabja in 1988, we should have done something about it the first time we invaded Iraq in 1991. Gee, that's only 3 years later! These crimes were horrible - a black mark against humanity. Why did we wait nearly 15 years before doing something about it? Hindsight being 20/20, of course, you'll use anything to justify this administrations actions. Do you think you're fooling anyone but yourself? As it turns out, despite any good that may have come from this colossal blunder, our fine leaders were flat out wrong (or simply lied) about Iraq's WMD capabilities. I don't care how many news articles you show about the atrocities Saddam committed against his people. This is not why we were told we were invading Iraq. Hey, if they told us the truth, we might have supported it! We were told that Iraq posed a clear and present danger to the USA. That was a flat-out lie, but you already know all this. It's been beaten to death like RJ behind our 2001 O-Line. A link in case you missed it: PROOF!!!
  22. I don't necessarily believe any of Titor's stuff, but if you really read what he wrote, it's pretty difficult to poke holes in his story. He describes some cutting edge thinking in physics to explain his method of time travel.
  23. Looks like that hit a little close to home. Don't get all bent out of shape. What I said is the truth. Everyone here has been guilty of the same from time to time.
  24. BTW, this thread is much more of a pile-on than a 'debate'. Even you can see that!
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