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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. I think we can clearly see a case here where prohibition was very effective in preventing this 13 year old from obtaining alcohol, prescription drugs and that evil green plant. Wait, I take that back. I fail to see how the legal status of these substances affected this situation, as they were ALL illegal to this girl. You may be barking up the wrong tree in an effort to support your own political beliefs and give yourself that warm an fuzzy feeling of superiority.
  2. Yes, keep passing the buck. If previous generations had raised their kids better, you wouldn't have the problem of "those damned kids today".
  3. He's talking to everyone here and is speaking the TRUTH!
  4. It's not like we're talking about standards that significantly change all of the time. Just because IE 7.0 comes out and the developers changed the way a particular tag is interpretted by their application doesn't mean that every HTML hack on the web is suddenly going to change how they've been writing HTML for years. Nor does it make Microsoft wrong - it's their applicaiton! Not only that, IE interprets everything - you never hear about "incompatibility with IE" - it's alwasy the browsers that haven't been around long enough to gain maturity. It's up to Firefox to interpret what the people are serving up, and really has little to do with Microsoft or IE. I completely agree with your point about open source.
  5. What would it hurt to interpret both standards correctly? It seems petty if done intentionally.
  6. Everybody's so anti-MS, but the vast majority of users are using their browser. I like Firefox, but it speaks to the quality of the sofwtware when it struggles with "MS standards". A truly great browser would be able to interpret both and be smart enough to know what the web page author was trying to show you. I would imagine that you will see this sort of issue resolved in future builds of the application. There are actually a lot of things Firefox doesn't handle very well yet.
  7. "Hope I die before I get old" LOL
  8. Anyone who has not bought nor listened to music in the past 20 years need not comment here. Also, as far as that "rap ****" goes, perhaps you should tune your FM stereo to the 97 rock or the local country station and break off the knob. Nothing like a little closed-mindedness to broaden the old musical horizons, eh?
  9. Grumpy old men...Star Wars was sweet!
  10. What would Dubya say if he heard you taking the Lord's name in vain?
  11. I might be wrong, but I don't think anyone's going to buy it. Maybe you should just link to the full version so that everyone can hear the rest of it. If you could post the lyrics, that might help, too.
  12. Well, at least it balances the board out a bit if nothing else.
  13. Or even like Bush going to war in Iraq and finding out there were actually no WMDs.
  14. We're talking about a political talk show host on a political message board. Judging from the number of responses to this topic, it looks like a lot of people care.
  15. Actually, the technical answer is the Republicans. They are the majority, remember Bush's mandate? The Senator is complaing about the disgustingly steady increase in the national deficit since Bush took office. It's hard to argue with the facts, especially someone like yourself who is a proponent of small government.
  16. Delay's recent over-the-top comments are more than enough to make him out to be unfit for office IMO, and probably in the court of general opinion. His attitude and values are far worse than any possible misappropriation of funds that may have occured on his behalf. This is the first we've heard of the Hillary accusations, so we'll have to wait and see.
  17. Limbaugh constantly (at least in the past) attacked drug users (people with problems?) and his comments consistantly show no tolerance or compassion for people with problems such as his. He also preaches conservative family values while on his (5th?) marriage, but that is neither here nor there. He is so grossly hypocritical on both counts, that I almost feel sympathy for him - almost. Perhaps a bit of the intolerance he preaches directed his way would help round him out as a person. Perhaps he wouldn't be so quick in the future to jump all over those he deems less virtuous and worthy than himself. If anyone would tell you that the letter of the law should be followed in cases such as this, it would be Rush. I'd imagine he's recently changed his tune on this particular issue.
  18. Well, he probably shouldn't be calling Dubya a 'loser', as he actually won the election. Calling the people that voted for him 'losers' wouldn't be completely accurate either, as their 'team' won the election as well. Focusing on one sentence that he said is fun, but does not paint an accurate picture of his statement. The meat of his statement shows the reasoning behind his unfortunate 'loser' comment: Of course, these facts should be ignored and attacked, lest one be labeled unpatriotic. Focusing on soundbytes is fun!
  19. Speculation until proven otherwise. The same cannot be said about Delay. If true, she's no better than Delay in that particular respect.
  20. Yes, instead of setting an civilized example as the greatest nation in the world, we should stoop to the level of third-world nations and condone the mistreatment of POWs. Conservatives are always talking about values and how the liberals are too soft, but when it comes to policing ourselves with our own rules, all they do is scream about patriotism and how the other country did it first. It doesn't matter what Cuba or Commie China does. We supposed to be the civilized country, setting the example. As your parents probably told you countless times (apparently uneffectively), just because all the other kids jump off the bridge does NOT mean you should too!
  21. Man, generalizations are great! By real world, do you mean NASCAR races, cross burnings, anti-evolution "theory" rallies or Jimmy Swaggart tour events? wait...I know...I need more cowbell
  22. Do you really have a choice?
  23. Especially the ones that have the Herp.
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