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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. It is not for you to decide whether they should be able to protest nor discuss just about whatever the hell they wish. Nor is it for them to decide how you should live your life. When it gets violent, nobody wins. However, with freedom as we enjoy in this country, there is always the potential for this type of thing to get out of hand, as it obviously did in this case. The protestors involved in injuring the cop should be arrested and tried by a jury of their peers, just like anyone else who commits a crime. I just don't think it's very smart to be advocating more restrictions of rights for our citizens based on a very unfortunate incident. By all accounts, this was an otherwise peaceful expression of their right to assemble and speak out against something that is perceive to be unjust. Say what you will about these people, but at least they have the conviction to stand up for what they believe in - and before you say it, I'm NOT talking about the people who hurt the cop.
  2. Sort of like 90% of the people in this forum.
  3. Stupid people and extreme behavior can be found in all walks of life. Thankfully, this kind of protest does not happen all the time - otherwise you guys would be starting topics like this several times a day. Things can get out of hand in any situation where emotion is involved, and all groups have members that are less desirable and behave badly at times. I'm can clearly see that your intention is to slap some broad label on every person who is passionate enough about their beliefs to get involved and excercise their right to demonstrate, but in reality this is just an example of a few individuals giving a bad name to the rest of the group. I'm sure you're aware of all of this and are just trying to fit this incident into your world-view in order to make yourself feel superior. There is certainly nothing new about that. <insert typically clever and condescending "Hotpockets" reference here>
  4. This from the Crap Throwing Monkey? Right...
  5. How long until we all advance past the 3rd grade and stop making up silly names?
  6. You didn't answer the question. What about the slaves? This has been covered many times, but what the heck: Solid so far... I don't even know what to say! Well, now we're ALL going to hell! Guess the South was right after all. Too bad they lost the war! Don't get between a jimshiz and his pork! Has your kid ever swore at you? Get the gun! Lobster anyone? Not to get too personal, but have you ever? So, which ones are you taking literally, all of them?
  7. Good job the Key word is profession Unlike the welfare roll that vote more than 90% dem... 375885[/snapback] When they actually vote... Thought of a few more: 6. Oil Tycoon 7. Old, Rich White Guy 8. KKK Grand Master 9. Fat, Pill-Popping Radio Talk Show Host 10. Chickenhawk 11. Duke Of Hazard
  8. How about professions where 90% of the people vote Republican... 1. NASCAR Driver 2. Baptist Minister 3. Televangelist 4. Moonshine Distiller 5. Country Music Roadie
  9. You're right, if it's him, he only f---ed a CIA agent. No big deal, it's not like the anonymity of our secret agents is all that important to America or our nation's security. This is far better than simply reporting the truth about what was happening in Cuba. On second thought, the outing of this agent was illegal, while the Gitmo story was not. So you're right, the comparison is actually unfair to Newsweek.
  10. WWRD? 1. Spin, spin, spin 2. Pop some pills 3. Eat half a dozen Big Macs 4. Divorce his 5th wife for the second time 5. Spin some more 6. Pop some more pills 7. Get on the radio and preach family values, intolerance of drug use, and the evils of Liberalism to YOU and yours Lap it up, Rush is obviously preaching to the choir.
  11. Well, how about "out of fear of not getting another lead, ever" instead?
  12. This reminds me of the "Newsweek F---ed America!" thread. Where's the outrage here? If it is Rove, will one of you Compassionate Conservatives start the "Karl Rove F---ed America!" thread?
  13. I love it! OF COURSE it couldn't be Rove. The unscrupulous Liberal media would have outed him long ago! Karl would never do anything so under-handed! Of couse, if they had, do you think they may not be the first to get official leads in the future? Is it so hard to believe that the media was actually trying to protect their source on principal in this case? We'll have to wait and see... Do you think the souce will be made public at some point?
  14. Absolutely classic!!! You had me at Rush, you had me at Rush...
  15. There are clones on both sides. If you look around, they are everywhere.
  16. Only a Sith deals in absolutes, Obi Wan.
  17. The Foreigner Belt episode is the best: Ignignot: You're a Dirty White Boy. and Carl: I don't need no instructions to know how to rock! Tell me you don't want this: http://shop.store.yahoo.com/wickedcoolstuff/atcaairfr.html
  18. The Mooninites are the best. Ignignot: Hello, Carl, I am Ignignot, and this is Err. Err: I am Err! Ignignot: We are Mooninites from the inner core of the Moon. Err: You said it right! Ignignot: Our race is hundreds of years beyond yours. Err: Man, you hear what he's sayin'? Ignignot: Some would say that the Earth is our moon. Err: We're the Moon! Ignignot: But that would belittle the name of our Moon, which is the Moon. Err: Point is, we're at the center, not you! Carl: No, the real point is I don't give a damn.
  19. But obviously you think enough of yourself to get up on a pedestal high above the rest of us sheep. We surly don't really give people like you enough credit for gracing us with your presence and opinions. Thank God for the Crap Throwing Monkey.
  20. I pretty much just stop in once in a while now. I used to enjoy it here, but I think if you look at the general tone of the board, it's hard to deny the intolerance of any opinion that does not originate just south of the Bible Belt. I agree that some of you (including yourself) have solid takes sometimes and are sport some fairly intelligent discussions from time to time. You've made me think about certain issues for sure. But the balance is not there. In reality, you're exactly what you claim all of the liberals are...elitist, condescending and intolerant.
  21. Would you invade San Diego because the Crips from LA did a drive by in NYC? YOU might not, but you would obviously support it.
  22. Actually, your analogy sucks. See, when I pop candies at the chocolatier (who the hell says chocolatier?), I'm depriving said chocolatier of his merchandise that I may or may not have legitimately bought otherwise. When I download music or a movie off of the web, I am not depriving anyone of anything other than a potential sale to me. I did not pocket a cd or dvd. There's a big difference.
  23. Guess that's enough to make the point... For all your talk about "elitist liberals", you freaks don't exactly come off as very compassionate or tolerant. HOTPOCKETS! AMERICA IS F*CKED! REALITY TV! UNPATRIOTIC! You're like a bad stereotype of a high school clique. What a bunch of hypocrites. BAAAAAAAAAA!!!
  24. We probably should have invaded Saudi Arabia, then. Confilict of interest? Where did most of the 9/11 hijackers come from? I'm sure there's a witty reply coming from somebody here.
  25. Nothing like a good dose of ignorance to get you thru the day. Alcohol is much more addictive. Do you drink beer?
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