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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. I know you are, but what am I. At what age does one actually get past this sort of sophmoric crap?
  2. Incidentally, what did Rove tell the Senate Intelligence Committee? Was he under oath, and if so, did he possible purjure himself?
  3. Oh, it's you again. You sure are smart.
  4. Suspected implies speculation. Did the Ruskies make this public knowledge, as Mr. Rove did? Considering her cover was blown way back then, it's incredible that she was allowed to still actively working as a CIA "agent".
  5. Then why did he do it? He was named as the source.
  6. Actually, technically you did. No need to be a dick about it.
  7. Is this a trick question? What's the point??? I believe it's a designation given to a certain type of employee withing the CIA. Spy is probably a decent equivalent. I'm sure the reason you're asking will now become clear. Fire away.
  8. Guess I'm a thread killer. I was raised a Christian as well, but I can't claim to take everything in the Bible literally. I'd still like to read a response to this from jimshiz...
  9. I'm not sure what you're getting at.
  10. Did Rush tell you that?
  11. The article has nothing to do with Rove's actions. It certainly calls into question Wilson's credibility, but it also stats that the Post believes it was lied to by Wilson, so there may be a bone to pick here, maybe not. Who the hell is being myopic here? What is your point, that Wilson may have distorted facts? This changes nothing about the fact that...once again... Karl Rove outed a CIA agent. In case you missed it, that's a fact.
  12. Facts like Karl Rove, the President's "Brain", outing a CIA agent? That's the only relavent fact here, no matter how it's spun.
  13. At the very least, he caused a CIA agent to end her career sooner than she otherwise would have. He compromised our national security by outing an undercover agent who your tax dollars paid to train. He also put at risk the safety of her and anyone she may have used as a contact in foriegn countries - contacts that for whatever reason were sympathetic to America. No bid deal.
  14. There's nothing to fix here IMO, so rhetoric will do nicely in this case. Freedom comes at a cost, and occasional radical incidents like this are one of the costs of our freedom to assemble and peacefully protest. In cases like this, the system is fine the way it is, though it is unfortunate that the officer got hurt. Unfortunately, there are many situations in which cops could potentially be injured or killed, even outside of such protests. I'm sure these officers are well trained to handle these types of situations and are aware of the risks going in. Perhaps investing in R&D for police crowd control gear would be appropriate, but other than that, let the system take care of these people. I'll go on record as saying that I am offically against invading San Francisco.
  15. This was my point. I appreciate how they've handled the situation, but it's not on the same scale as 9/11, obviously. In retrospect, I am proud of the way our country handled the attack in 2001, but it's no less than I would expect from our country.
  16. Well (for BiB), let me B word just to B word... Nothing paints a clearer picture of the extreme right tilt on this board than the lack of outrage from our conservative friends. Rove compromised our national security by leaking this name, and you fools fail to diplay the same amount of outrage that you normally reserve for PETA demonstrators. His motive was revenge, and I'd say he probably wasn't acting alone. Don't !@#$ with Dubya or his war or you'll pay! Don't say that evidence was worked over to make Iraq look like more of a threat than it was, or we'll tell everyone who you are! While I wasn't reading PPP at the time, I would imagine that many of you were on your high horse when Clinton was fooling around in the White House. This is really nasty, dangerous stuff, and you Righties are treating it like just another day in Bushland. Talk about Hotpockets! Don't worry, just tow the party line and everything will be fine. Unfortunately, it's pretty typical and totally predictable.
  17. If that's how you feel, I guess that's what the ignore feature is all about. It doesn't concern me too much either way. I have a feeling I'll still be able to sleep tonight.
  18. If someone kicks a defenseless puppy, I'll kick them back, only harder. I'm not sure if you're just refering to my comments in general, or something that actually relates to the current topic, but I'm not the one who believes anything needs to be fixed in this case. Let the system take care of prosecuting these morons, and let the peaceful protesters continue to protest peacefully. I believe the Compassionate Conservative approach that was suggested was to: "Just go in there and wipe (San Francisco) clean. It's a nice area, too bad that 90% of the people there are wack-jobs." Nice solution there. What's yours?
  19. I'm neither critisizing nor minimizing anything, though it seems you would like to paint that picture. I've simply gained some respect for the people of London because of the way they've seemed to minimize the perceived damage done by these bombings. They've basically ignored the attack and gotten on with their lives, terrorists be damned. 9/11 is a totally different situation in a totally different world climate. There was no perceived terrorist threat before 9/11 - it was something that happened far, far away from places like America and Great Britain. Our reaction was emotional and from the heart, as we were ill-prepared to cope with this sort of thing. I was more or less just agreeing with the post I responded to. But you know all this and are really just trying to be a smart ass.
  20. Heard about this on the way home today and that really sucks! Whenever she called the show or he talked about her, you truly got a sense of how tight a relationship they had. Terrible thing to happen to such a lovely person.
  21. What am I supposed to be saving now?
  22. It seems that this is how the people in London are handling things for the most part. It's a pretty sharp contrast with how our government handled the aftermath of 9/11. Of course 9/11 was a much harsher and visible tragedy and nearly impossible to minimize in any way.
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