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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Nice analysis and I couldn't agree more. This guy sounds like he's trying to generate buzz for his upcoming documentary. I love how he trys to make himself sound more credible using some arbitrary, unnamed 'expert': Let me be the first to call BS on crazy-eyed guy and his alien video.
  2. Ahhhh, the view from the ivory tower is so very unobstructed.
  3. Well, I certainly didn't vote for him - even once. So I guess that makes you a flip-flopper like Kerry, but at least you're not a moron like me. 'Kerry would have been worse'. You say that to validate your vote and so that nobody mistakes you for a liberal and then proceed to point out what a screw-up Bush has been. I guess nobody will mistake you for a Bushie either. It's much easier to sit on the fence, complain about everything and bash everyone.
  4. Nothing would make me happier than to see a UFO or some other paranormal phenomenon in my lifetime. Apparently my threshold for what qualifies as 'proof' is higher than yours, but that doesn't mean my mind is closed to any possiblity. Once again, the greater the claim, the greater the evidence I personally require. I'll never convice you and I wouldn't even presume to try. It's something you'll have to think about, study and come to on your own. Or not. Believe what you will, but know that actual science is far more interesting and wonderful than any of the paranormal things you're talking about.
  5. Human beings have an intrinsic need to believe. It's an evolutionary mechanism which, ironically, causes them to reject things like evolution while accepting things like psychic ability, UFOs and many conspiracy theories. It also causes them to contort scientific fact to meet a pre-conceived desirable world view. Only by looking at things scientifically and with a truly open and critical mind will the mysteries of the universe be revealed. Magical thinking and beliefs get us no closer to understanding anything. You say Randi's challenge is unfair to the psychics, but their extraordinary claims should require extraordinary proofs. Also, the challenge was only recently restricted to people with a 'media presence' and have a document from an academic because so many crackpots were applying for the challenge on the off chance that they might pass the test. He was getting bombarded with ridiculous requests, so he restricted it. Be assured, however, that if a person actually had such ability, they would become known to the media rather quickly and academics from all over the world would be lining up to verify their claims. If these psychics are not just hitting on some lucky guesses amid many, many misses, then what's the problem? These results should be reproducible in a controlled environment, should they not?
  6. Then why isn't one of them $1,000,000 richer? It really is as simple as that. People are stupid, and that includes some police departments. There is no documented study lending credence to the existence of psychic or paranormal ability. There is no science behind it, and when you take the subjective human element out of it, you're always left with nothing. Show me any one case of supposed psychic ability, no matter how convincing and I'll show you a bunch of cold-reading, generalities and hindsight revisionism. There is no case of a psychic ever saying something like 'you will find the missing person at this exact location' and actually getting it right. It's always 'oh, this must have been what the psychic meant when they said that general statement' - after the fact. It's all a bunch of BS. I'm not closed-minded, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, not just a bunch of anecdotal evidence from people who want to believe.
  7. Sure I did, and like I said - that's your opinion. My point is that there's a big difference between how well you think Kerry might have done and what Bush actually did. One exists in your mind, while the other is factual and documented for all to see and judge. Your analysis of Kerry was based on how badly he played at politics. Were he a 'straight-shooter' like Bush, he would never have wavered on anything he ever thought or said - ever. Then he wouldn't have been labeled a waffler. I mean, who needs to re-think his thoughts and positions when given divine direction! Your attack on Kerry in the cited post was well-done. I'd love to see a similar effort out of you aimed at our commander in chief. All personal predudices aside, I fail to see how any reasonable person could say that Kerry would have been worse. The bar is pretty damned low at this point.
  8. A million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare. People win the lottery, too, but that doesn't make them anything more than a statistical anomaly. If somebody's got real psychic ability, why not claim the cash??? Nobody has - that's the beauty of the prize.
  9. Either Chef Jim wants to abolish evil, and cannot; Or he can, but does not want to; Or he cannot and does not want to. If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. But, if Chef Jim both can and wants to abolish evil, then how come evil is in the world? So is Chef Jim impotent, wicked or non-existent?
  10. Prove the existence of Chef Jim.
  11. That will be tough to do post-smoting.
  12. He will smote you good and then move your team to Toronto!
  13. God will punish you if you keep it up! Unless you're part of His base I guess.
  14. The interesting thing about this statement is your assumption that John Kerry would be worse than Bush, the most unpopular & lowest rated American president of all time. Do you really believe that or are you just trying to make yourself feel better? It's a BS argument because nobody really knows what Kerry's presidency would have looked like. You can stick to your 'Kerry sucks' sentiment, but it's really just your opinion. Bush's incompetence and blundering in the oval office is now a matter of historical fact.
  15. As well as various jokes about the senator's condition on PPP... Stay classy, Buffalo!
  16. Wow, what a bunch of a-holes.
  17. Careful, I'd imagine that more than half of the regular geniuses here voted for him twice. You know who you are.
  18. I don't feel compelled to post all that much anymore, but you need to mix in some critical thinking, my friend. Are there real psychics? No. http://www.randi.org/joom/challenge-info.html All this paranormal stuff cracks me up. Make no mistake, people are stupid - don't let yourself be a sucker!
  19. Does WGR broadcast the games from their website?
  20. Spend a bit more and buy a seat that the college guys can't afford.
  21. hahahahaha!!! mr. clutch!!!
  22. miss it Vinitari, you B word!!!
  23. Is there a link or did you just hear about it?
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