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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Did he pause for 30 awkward seconds without his teleprompter?
  2. They're just too deep now. Point of no return. Nothing left to do but root for the laundry. The mental gymnastics involved are incredible.
  3. Unified Reich? Hmmm....yet you still won't admit it. Cultish.
  4. Trump deleted the Unified Reich post. 🤣🤣🤣 You've chosen to plug your ears and close your eyes because you don't like how it's going. Kitty.
  5. Unified Reich? Holy crap, how much more blatant could this be? Yet you all still support it? Maybe it is a cult.
  6. Like I said, get out before he's allowed to sell. MAGA will hold his bags forever once he dumps. Peak grifting.
  7. I guess you're still alive so...it must have worked? You're a doctor, right? HCQ? Zinc? What do you recommend against the Wu Han Flu?
  8. So many new Chefs fans in here! You and the Swifties. Murica's team.
  9. How's the HCQ regimen going, doc? Are you using zinc?
  10. PPP will buy them - hot market there!
  11. You are apparently the most prolific poster on this message board, with (obviously) loads and loads of time on your hands. Why do you never have anything interesting to say? Like I could read just about any right-wing-parroting twitter feed and know exactly what your opinion is going to be on any subject. You're just a number, with no original thought, rooting for you team. I wonder if you were always like this or if this is just what you're devolved into after so much idle time. It's a cautionary tale, at least. I will try to learn from this. I'm sorry if I offended you. I had no idea you would take it so personally. Is this your first time here? Why not place a cool washcloth of your brow and lay down and rest for a bit. You seem to have a weak constitution, not that I'm judging. Everyone has their triggers, amirite? Don't let that alpha guy see. He'll steal your lunch money!
  12. Well, snowflake, it's a movie reference. I'm sorry if I offended your delicate sensibilities. Also, I'm not 100% in on the wholr woke thing, but I figure that future generations are forging their path, so who am I to stand in the way? Don't be so gay about it. Yes, please. You have my permission.
  13. Current events??? This is how you know you're unhinged. Read it 20 times. You're referring to a man looking at his watch as "current events".
  14. F off pansy. I sure do belive everything I read on the internet, though! Assuming you're only embellishing half of this: you're 39, HS education with a landscaping business that you consider "cardio". And you played club dodgeball for 6 months. The truth is somewhere in between. Don't brag on the internet. You have no idea who you're talking to and usually come off as a douchebag in need of approval. Stay alpha, bro. Not cringe at all. The jersey will certainly match your alpha hat.
  15. The way you talk...you think you're some "alpha" real American patriotic tough guy or something? Do you see John Wayne when you look in the mirror? Is Charles Bronson in the room with you right now? Do you like movies about gladiators? Get your Butker jersey while they last! 😉
  16. Wingnuts, how does it feel to be told that the Chiefs' kicker is your new hero? Conflicted? Doubtful. Probably time to double down I bet. Why not go full rettard? Buy his jersey and start wearing it to Bills games.
  17. Hey, did Joe ever tell a pornstar that she reminds him of his daughter right before poking her? Is he into ***** like Don?
  18. Well we now know for certain that he definitely wants to bang his daughter.
  19. Don likes the women in his life to have lots of plastic.
  20. You guys really believe this, don't you? WTF
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