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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. This point was in response to your assertion that I waste more time pissing in the wind, so to speak. I mean holy sh--, you could add up every post I've ever made using any username on any message board I've ever belonged to in my life and it would not approach one quarter of what you've done here. I can't even comprehend how much absolutely meaningless bull sh-- and retarded one-liners one would have to constantly spew to get anywhere near to your lofty level.
  2. That's how I got an 18,000+ post count - oh wait, that's you.
  3. Bill Maher opened himself up to this type of attack when he starting attacking peoples' sacred cows and religions. First, I'm sure he doesn't care. Second, I'm the sure reason he gets so vehemently attacked these days is because he's mostly right about sacred cows and religions.
  4. Topic: "Favorite Bush moment" Topic degenerates into: "Obama can't open a door just like Bush!" Your contribution: "Obama's wife will be worse than Clinton's wife!" My factual reply: "Laura Bush killed a guy." Your conclusion: I'm changing the topic by going to the other side of the aisle instead of discussing the topic at hand. My conclusion: Your logic is impeccable and your defenses impregnable.
  5. Paris Hilton is a pop singer like Anne Coulter is a journalist who doesn't shoot heroin.
  6. Oh, I see what you did. You called me a girl! Nice! BTW, Laura Bush killed a guy.
  7. Awesome! They're so stupid they didn't even point it to a fake ip address that could even be potentially valid. colemanforsenate.com currently resolves to Ha! Retards.
  8. Must have missed that. Did he stand there like a deer in the headlights with no clue what to do?
  9. And the hits just keep on coming. Not to single you out, but jokes should be funny.
  10. Limbaugh's head is now swelling to epic proportions, both figuratively and literally.
  11. This thread rocks. ...but it will not be complete until we get Boomer860's 2 cents...wait for it...
  12. That's EXACTLY what I was saying. Your reading comprehension and logic skills are without equal.
  13. I don't equate Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Hannity to America or patriotism no matter how deluded you may have become by listening to them. Nor do I have any particular love for terrorists or gays. My religious beliefs are none of your business, but let's just say it's hard to hate something that doesn't exist. I do, however, love my country and I don't need to listen to Toby Keith, buy a gun every week, go to church, bash gays, hunt terrorists, patrol the border for Mexicans or wave an American flag for all to see to make my case. You're free to think whatever you like my man...
  14. O'Reilly, in his defense, is not drug-addled but rather loofah-addled. Hannity's brain is continually skipping alternately between the phrases 'You are a great American' and 'America is the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth'. It's nearly a miracle that he can spit out anything else with this constant intense bombardment of catch-phrase patriotism.
  15. Well, I guess I would consider myself a liberal and I can only speak for myself. Do as you like.
  16. The funny thing is that most so-called liberals don't really care if you own a gun, as long as your not completely psychopathic or retarded. Life is short, so whatever the fukk makes you happy. Gun nuts get off on the idea that everyone wants to take their guns away. It feeds the whole isolationist, us-against-the-world, big-brother-is-watching-you mentality that they thrive on. Statistics are for losers! Buy as many as you can.
  17. Getting those on the other side of the aisle to shoot each other? Well, then we could pry their guns from their cold dead fingers.
  18. It really wasn't intended to be nasty. Are the big nasty liberals picking on you? Why not just shoot them?
  19. Just fade away my friend, just fade away.
  20. I kind of like Michael Savage, probably because he's a made up character. If nothing else, wacko radio can be very entertaining.
  21. Holy crap, this has turned into a Boomer860 - JPDontletthedoorhityourars all out lovefest. Fukk eHarmony, you two have found each other without even filling out a free personality profile!
  22. Reading comprehension seems to be an issue with you. Let me help. First (without even having to leave this page) I'll (shudder) quote myself: As to your point about him not saying that, well if you actually opened the link as opposed to simply relying on your gut reaction and obviously flawed memory, you'd quickly realize that I linked to a transcript of your hero's radio show on his own website. Reading = Good
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