In a desperate attempt to garner seeming outrage by millions of voters for the impending reversal after recount, they:
1. Set up a website to allow "voters [to] search a database to determine if their vote is one of the thousands of voters the Franken campaign is seeking to disenfranchise".
2. Point their primary url ( to a ridiculously bogus ip address ( Each computer's ip address is completely unique (so that it can be found by other computers). By pointing the dns entry of to, they're saying that the web server that is serving is located at that address. The problem is, this address is NOT within the valid ip address range.
3. They claim that the immense amount of web traffic to their site, supposedly from all of these voters who fear disenfranchisement, has caused their site to crash, a.k.a. they were slashdotted . In reality, past site performance clearly shows that has easily handled more traffic in the past. The redirect to the bogus ip is obvious to anyone who even kind of knows what they're talking about.
4. Caught in an obvious ruse, the Coleman campaign quietly tucks its tail between its legs and points dns back to the correct web server ip address.
Conclusion, it may have been more difficult to figure this out if their IT geniuses pointed the dns entry to a bs ip address in the vaid range...or simply shut down the web server for a time...or redirected to a contrived page that made it look like they were down...etc...
Trust me, it's dumb move that makes them look really bad.