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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. It would be so much better if you avoided coming across like Rush Jr. by at least slightly changing up the wording of his most oft-used catch phrases. Do you regularly doctor shop for hillbilly heroin too?
  2. God made me the way I am!
  3. The truth hurts?
  4. we have a winner
  5. That really wasn't my point, dumbass. It was a joke. I know your view on that particular subject.
  6. Well, you listed one which is insignificant when compared to the bad. I'll stand by my original statement. Believing in Santa Claus used to make me feel good when I was a kid.
  7. Maybe I fill my evolutionary need to believe in other ways. Football. Hockey. LIBERAL Politics. **EDIT** Transmission of power over long distances **/EDIT** It's all the same thing really. You've got yours too if you think about it.
  8. It's all bullschit anyway. Nothing good ever comes of religion, the direct cause of most of the war and suffering in the world today. People NEED to believe - it's really as simple as that. Whether your particular flavor started 2,000 or 10,000 years ago doesn't really matter. Whether your religion causes fewer atrocities than another doesn't make it any more valid. It's all crap and the world would be better off with more rational people and fewer religious nuts.
  9. How many midwestern Christian mothers have murdered their own children because God told them to or because they were possessed by the devil? How many hardcore Christian freaks have withheld treatment from their own children and allowed them to die of various ailments because of their !@#$ed up beliefs?
  10. Did you notice the word 'blogs' in the url or the OPINION headline at the top of the page or does your indignant outrage blind you to such things?
  11. Jason Peters sucking this year does NOT excuse JP Losman's terrible quarterback play. Stop making excuses for this guy.
  12. Nancy Grace is an evil human being.
  13. Past performance is the greatest indicator of future results. See also: Dick Jauron
  14. That was awesome and that guy should be a Bill for his entire career IMO. What a waste of a great run.
  15. The only way he gets THAT kind of time is Jets vs Bills.
  16. Wow, you're all fired up. No, I actually meant JP Losman - the topic of this thread. The guy that couldn't feel the pressure, couldn't hold on to the damn ball and lost the fumble that cost us that game. He also the guy who threw two picks after that fine play and never really got a handle on anything but the occasional deep ball the entire time he played here. I was really just trying to make light of the situation, but now I'm pissed because I'm thinking about the end of that game we should have won. Thanks for the good memories.
  17. JP was certainly a good fit for the Jets during his last start as a Bill. Maybe that's what he meant.
  18. You're all so very offended, that that's some funny schit!
  19. In a desperate attempt to garner seeming outrage by millions of voters for the impending reversal after recount, they: 1. Set up a website to allow "voters [to] search a database to determine if their vote is one of the thousands of voters the Franken campaign is seeking to disenfranchise". 2. Point their primary url (colemanforsenate.com) to a ridiculously bogus ip address ( Each computer's ip address is completely unique (so that it can be found by other computers). By pointing the dns entry of colemanforsenate.com to, they're saying that the web server that is serving colemanforsenate.com is located at that address. The problem is, this address is NOT within the valid ip address range. 3. They claim that the immense amount of web traffic to their site, supposedly from all of these voters who fear disenfranchisement, has caused their site to crash, a.k.a. they were slashdotted . In reality, past site performance clearly shows that colemanforsenate.com has easily handled more traffic in the past. The redirect to the bogus ip is obvious to anyone who even kind of knows what they're talking about. 4. Caught in an obvious ruse, the Coleman campaign quietly tucks its tail between its legs and points dns back to the correct web server ip address. Conclusion, it may have been more difficult to figure this out if their IT geniuses pointed the dns entry to a bs ip address in the vaid range...or simply shut down the web server for a time...or redirected to a contrived page that made it look like they were down...etc... Trust me, it's dumb move that makes them look really bad.
  20. Because this is over your head? Why not contribute?
  21. Yes, we all know that George W is a fukking genius. Is that really the point you're trying to make?
  22. I doubt very many people would even get why this was so shady and/or poorly executed.
  23. I never had a problem with George Sr. (other than his parenting skills).
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