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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. The respect you have for me? That might be the funniest thing I've read on here in a while. The mere implication that anything you think or spew is worthwhile to me or anyone else you rant against is just too much. Every time I see you running your post count with deep seeded venom, I really just feel sorry for you more than anything else. I picture you sitting alone in the darkness, feverishly typing away in your log cabin, bitter and depressed for lack of sunlight or company. Working and reworking new digs and witty comments that nobody gives a crap about. Thinking about the accolades you're sure to receive if only you can push it up by another thousand or so. Wasting away. Realize that you are a !@#$ing loser on a message board buddy, nothing more. Realize that you just don't matter even a tenth as much as your inflated ego tells you. Nothing you say matters. I can't wait for the biting comeback that just doesn't matter in the least. I hope it doesn't hurt too much!
  2. We're meeting to fight after school in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. That seems to be about the halfway point.
  3. Fortunately I've learned from the best how to stick to my guns no matter who thinks what in a "I'm gonna post till my fingers bleed because, well, I just don't have a lot else going on" kind of way...
  4. Thanks for that gem, tough guy! You are one hell of a moderator.
  5. Maybe happy is too strong a word. Do they skew their data and findings to meet with what they want it to say? If so, they're not doing good science. Even if they do, it's not reproducible and they'll eventually be found out and marginalized. The point is, in the end, science and the scientific method lie in a system that is almost guaranteed to be completely objective.
  6. Wasn't really directed at you.
  7. Well, now that you put it that way I have no choice but to completely agree.
  8. South Park is great and usually right on target, but probably not in this case. At the time it was appropriate as everyone was jumping on the wagon for no good reason. Since then, there has been a scientific consensus and nearly all serious climate scientists agree that man-made global warming is real. I can see why anti-motherment anti-hippy conservatives want to fight against the idea. Sometimes reality doesn't line up with what you want to believe. The best argument I've seen is the 'assume that it's real' argument. All of the things we would do to combat ManBearPig are good for our country anyway. We reduce our dependence on foreign oil, put less crap into the air we breath, clean up the environment, etc... I guess you can disagree with the scientists for whatever reason you want, but IMHO we should be doing these things anyway. I happen to agree that the Earth is warming and we are causing it and poking fun of it or finding silly arguments against it will never change what is really happening - just make you feel falsely superior to the eggheads.
  9. Yes, but who outside of Alaska really cares? I have nothing to hide.
  10. It was a South Park episode equating Global Warming to a creature (ManBearPig) dreamed up by Al Gore. Half man, half bear, half...well you get the idea. It's now a rallying cry for anyone on PPP who happens to think Global Warming or at least Man-Made Global Warming (DC Tom) is a vast conspiracy perpetrated by the Liberals.
  11. Nearly 5 years ago, dude. Yes, I posted under other screen names all over all kinds of message boards, even this one. At this point I couldn't even tell you what other screen name I used here before, but it sounds like you might have it written down somewhere. The statue of limitations is nearly up. Let it go...
  12. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a post from me directly linking the market crisis to Pres W.
  13. Yes, economic momentum completely resets with change in office. Are you Adam Smith in disguise?
  14. In other words, this false real-time data has no bearing on the data (satellite images) used to draw long-term conclusions. Nor does it have ANY affect on the average temperature of the Earth, which scientists say is increasing (see Global Warming). Translated: the best thing about science is that it is completely objective. Data is analyzed and conclusions and theories are adjusted as a result. Scientists, unlike TBD posters, are happy when proven wrong. Such is the scientific method. Scientists are flip-floppers. Opinion based outside of the latest scientific data and understanding smacks much more of religion than acceptance of Global Warming Theory.
  15. OK, this is bothering me. This is going completely off topic, but I got what I needed out of the thread I think. I really don't care what your views are on colleges - they're irrelevant. My views on this were acquired on my own, outside of any academic institution. Where do you see a need for God in our current understanding of Cosmology and the origin of the Universe? I guess you could say that God started the Big Bang and, partly because we'll probably never know what came before the Big Bang, and partly because God cannot be logically proved or disproved, I won't argue that. You obviously take it farther than that, but I think it's dishonest to try to tie your faith to Cosmology and the origin of the Universe. Please explain if you like.
  16. No insult intended, but you're wasting your time if you're trying to re-convert me. Your religion is no more or less strange than any other. Personally, I now subscribe exclusively to The Force. Thanks for the actual information you provided about 7 Day Adventists here. In a perfect world you would have stopped there, but thanks all the same.
  17. It just came up today. My wife called me and told me she was going to check a preschool out and went in blind, but came out of it with a positive view. She said it's a lot like the Catholic schools we both attended growing up. My experience at the schools I attended was positive in general. My agnostic views come more from an increased understanding of Cosmology, Evolution and Skepticism than any negative experience I had as a Catholic. At worst, I think I may have wasted some time worrying about Hell, praying, etc..., but I think I probably also learned some good lessons along the way. I intend to expose my kids to both sides of this stuff and let them decide for themselves. It's good to believe in things when you're a child. In the end, I view my journey away from religion as a positive experience that I could never have had without first believing. After reading some of your posts, they do sound kind of crazy. I'm leaning towards not...
  18. Not sure, I'm going to look into it further. We don't have to make a decision until the fall. Does that mean they believe all the Joseph Smith (South Park) stuff?
  19. Despite my current agnostic bent, I was raised Roman Catholic, so that's my frame of reference. I want to know what my kids might be learning should we decide to enroll them in a Adventist-based Pre-K program. Google has been uncharacteristically unhelpful so far.
  20. Is there any question why they decided to elect this guy? One of the funniest things I've read in a while.
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