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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. So ANYWAY...does anyone have any insight on my tax question?
  2. Well, glad to see I'm not being misinterpreted.
  3. Well, there's also the issue of scale to consider here.
  4. In a backhanded sort of way. His actions are commendable, but many of the policies he enacted while President run counter to what he chooses for his personal use. In a way, he's just as hypocritical here as many claim that Al Gore is. The way Gore talks, he should be living in a tent in the woods somewhere living off the land. The way Bush talks, he should have several coal power plants in his back yard.
  5. So that I have this straight, this is saying that I can write off the entire cost any energy star compliant geothermal heating/cooling system that I install before 2017? Assuming so, would I write off the whole thing in the year it was purchased/installed? Would I be able to write in the same way it off if I rolled it into a mortgage refinance? I'd love some guidance from someone who knows what their talking about with this stuff. PPP = freetaxadvice.com
  6. How long ago was that? Does that mean that the cost has come down recently or that there are other circumstances in your location (size of house, soil conditions, etc...) that bump that $10K number up by 20%? I'm sure one would pay more as an early adopter, but I can't imagine that anything but the equipment cost drop very dramatically over time.
  7. Interesting, but I'd imagine W wasn't worried about up-front costs, rolling his systems a mortgage re-fi or how long it would take him to recoup the costs. Somewhat surprisingly admirable all the same. Al Gore: Do as I say, not as I do. George W: Do as I do, not as I say (heh heh).
  8. No, I think that's total cost for the system + installation (from what I've read so far). Depending on the current mortgage rates I wonder if it would make sense to roll a system like this into a mortgage refinance.
  9. What kind of up-front cost are we talking about? Do you know of any reliable installers in WNY?
  10. This is the first I've really heard of residential geothermal heating. It sounds very promising and cost-effective. Anyone have any experience with or opinions on this? http://www.reddawn.com/featart11-98.html I wonder if there will be any tax incentives or rebates in the future that will make this more attractive.
  11. That's the point, it's all about being sensational. If you have to think about an argument for more that 30 seconds then you're just talking egghead crap, not what real America wants to know. If you have to explain your position, even more of the same - real America's not listening. If you dare to <gasp> change your position based on new evidence, well you're just a flip-flopper and should be ridiculed.
  12. Stop ruining the talking points please. Obama got us into that mess, so stop deflecting the blame.
  13. Wow, what a great analogy. I never thought of it that way!
  14. More like, "Wealthy" not me, so why should I care? Are you rich and crying for me?
  15. You should have made this much 2x over if you were bringing in such bacon under the previous Prez, so you know...
  16. Solution: Just get an illegal one and hide it in your bunker until the Ruskies parachute in.
  17. Why do you need a !@#$ing assault weapon?
  18. Poor rich people. How will couples making more than $250K make ends meet now? Well, I guess I'm glad I voted WITH my own economic interests in mind.
  19. The fact that you think this matters is funny (in a pathetic kind of way).
  20. Are you talking about Piyush Hussein Jindal? Where's that A-rab's Ko-ran? Oh, wait, he's a Republican? My bad.
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