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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Ok and if it's good schitt I'll buy some from you (tax free of course). Stick it to the sticky icky man!
  2. I've never been inclined to grow it myself, probably mostly for fear of getting caught or because I haven't really had a good location for it or whatever. Were it legal, I still don't think I'd grow it with a house full of kids and I'm sure that there are many people who aren't very well set up to do so for a variety of reasons. I could easily brew my own beer or wine if I thought it was worth it, but it's just so much easier to not add another thing to do to my life. So I buy beer and wine and would probably buy pot in the store as well if it were legalized. Most people who would be inclined to grow their own are likely already doing so, thankfully. No I suppose they could make it technically illegal to grow your own or sell your own if they're worried about tax revenue. I'm pretty sure it's still illegal to distill your own whiskey. Either way, let's not underestimate the potential market and tax revenue here.
  3. Not the point and totally irrelevant because it would never happen. It's too much work and requires too much know-how for the vast majority of people to bother making their own tobacco, pot, booze, beer, etc... No need to be so dramatic.
  4. Why not grow your own tobacco and roll your own cigs? Not everyone is so ambitious.
  5. You really think the security and screening measures at US airports these days are effective enough to thwart anyone with a brain who has evil intentions?
  6. Since she's the daughter of a Democrat.
  7. I'm one of the governed too, buddy, and you fat smokers are costing me cash. Why is heroin illegal? How about murder? Friggin Motherment...
  8. It's more about supply and demand. Higher costs (due to taxes) will not only provide more revenue to pay for their care, but will hopefully cause people to eat better, smoke less, be healthier and be less of a burden on the system. The added taxes going to the right places would certainly be a good thing. Regardless, this does not really have much to do with original point.
  9. No, he said the people who suffer from heart disease, cancer, strokes, emphysema, etc... are actually NOT further burdening our over-burdened health care system because they all die off quickly. I'm sure that fits quite nicely with his belief system so it must be true. This is a good thing. They should also tax some of the more disgustingly unhealthy foods that many fat Americans eat. The government shouldn't have to pay for your shortcomings, right? I shouldn't pay for your right to smoke, you should.
  10. Again, who cares... Maybe Chump Change can create a thread describing the Bush twins as "Pot Whores".
  11. Not that I care either way, but technically both were illegal, as I'm pretty sure the Bush girls were underage at the time. The real question here is: What will Rush "doctor shopping for Hillbilly Heroin" Limbaugh have to say about this?
  12. Good luck in your job hunt - it's a tough time to be looking, event in Bumfuk Egypt.
  13. Just to prove you right, vacation days for our most recent presidents in order of total days, descending: George W Bush in 8 years (977 days)= 122 days per year George H W Bush in 4 yrs (543 days)= 136 days per year Ronald Reagan in 8 yrs (436 days)= 55 days per year Bill Clinton in 8 years (152 days)= 19 days per year Jimmy Carter in 4 yrs (79 days)= 20 days per year
  14. Says the guy posting on PPP, presumably during...work...
  15. Do your parents know that you're using the computer?
  16. FACT: Your facts are not very factual.
  17. I think you actually mean Marlo Stanfield. I love that show... Thought I'd join the crew in correcting you (without condensation this time).
  18. When the going tough, Chuck Norris runs away? Not very Chuck-like.
  19. Do reading the title and first two sentences count?
  20. Abstinence-only sex education programs work!
  21. Personal Incredulity - "I can't believe something so complicated could have happened naturally" (it's called evolution) God of the Gaps - "Science can't explain everything" (true, but God's house of gaps continues to get smaller - on the other hand it gets bigger as well as more questions arise)
  22. There is no scientific debate on intelligent design because intelligent design is not founded on any scientific principles. No matter how many times creationism is repackaged and rebranded and slipped back in to the public schools it is always shot down, and rightfully so. It is the definition of ideology and not science - there is no debate. Way to stand by your convictions. That'll show em.
  23. Yes Chump Change, it's all Obama's fault! It's all over! We're DOOOOOMED!!!
  24. Sounds like you're confused about what geothermal heating is, but that's ok because I didn't understand it either until yesterday. It seems that it's a heating technology that derives 70% of the its energy directly from the Earth, saving you lots of GREEN. It actually has nothing to do with shoving your face into a pot of boiling water and blowing hard, but I can see where you might think that.
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