Biden would never be stupid enough or desperate enough to attend. Donald must really feel like he's behind the eight ball to take such an ill-advised risk, which clearly backfired. 🤣
Trump can't even manage the plebs around him anymore. Either that or he's just lying and making excuses for crossing a line he is completely detached from. Either way, he's clearly not fit mentally, physically, nor philosophically to be anywhere near a position of power in a democratic nation. He belongs in jail because he has committed crimes.
Extraordinary circumstances required extraordinary action, though there was no authorization of deadly force here. I can't believe Trump lied!
The real shocker is that MAGA bought it.
"The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force," the FBI said in a statement Tuesday evening. "No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter."
Yet another HOAX, eagerly lapped-up by faithful MAGA geniuses...
You know what we don't use? Tired Nazi rhetoric. But MAGA doesn't seem to think that's important because it all makes sense in the context of a cult.
And Jesus Christ, have you looked at the idiots surrounding you lately? Are you a serous person or are you wearing adult diapers agongside?