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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. You don't even understand what that word means.
  2. Didn't realize ACORN was a Liberal oraganization that needs to be apologized for.
  3. You don't think agreeing with you about something makes me batschitt crazy, do you?
  4. You've got something in your nose.
  5. Wow, you know I never agree with you, but nice job. That illustrates the hypocrisy perfectly.
  6. No, using numbnuts will get your post deleted. I'll yell extra loud for McLovin on Sunday if you can't make it to the stadium.
  7. You know the endtimes are near, right? Don't you read the scriptures? Better watch it buddy!
  8. It's incredibly mindless. Anything as a rallying point, no matter how inappropriate. I'll disagree with the 'more parliamentary' sentiment though. This country is bipolar enough without the additional mindless rhetoric that would likely spread from that kind of debate. I always thought Tony Blair looked like such a little B word when watching video of Parliamentary debates.
  9. If only there were a major event in less than a week scheduled to be attended by both thousands of Bills fans AND McLovin...
  10. Nothing I haven't said already. A lawn was spray painted and you want to launch a major investigation an put the sprayer away. Step back. It's the kind of schitt that high school kids do all the time. We're not hunting them and sending them to Attica because they're useless. You're obviously not moving off of your righteous attitude, so why do you feel like you have to prove you're right about something so subjective?
  11. Wow, scour law websites much? You're still missing the big picture here. Think about what you are arguing instead of just trying to win the argument.
  12. Disorderly conduct is a stretch. Maybe destruction of property, though no lasting damage was likely done. If that's just for starters, please continue with you laundry list of charges. Be creative. In the big picture it's still just painting grass.
  13. Spray painting grass.
  14. Yes, lock up all those deemed useless.
  15. You might disagree, but a for-sale sign on Mularkey's lawn is pretty funny. I never heard that before.
  16. This thread has such a PPP feel to it.
  17. I'll wager it was one of the following words: http://www.morewords.com/contains/gar/
  18. What's so hard to understand here? Until it's a racial epithet...it's not a racial epithet. Maybe it was just about the fumble.
  19. I'm not trying to slam you here, but your original statement was pretty speculative based on that picture.
  20. Of course not, but I think you'd be hearing "hate crime" thrown about by now.
  21. I don't think the "vandalism" in question is ok by any stretch, but if you want to compensate me like Leodis is compensated, you can spary paint my lawn every week.
  22. You don't actually win first prize at the spelling bee. Sorry. Take your pick: http://www.morewords.com/contains/gar/
  23. It's kind of like a serial killer who repents, confesses his sins and gets rewarded with a one-way ticket to heaven. It's as if he never even strangled all those strippers.
  24. Let's not bombard him with too much information at once.
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