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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. That was a softball.
  2. What's the hard core godless liberal equivalent of the Anti-Christ?
  3. Equally unsurprising, but perhaps more disturbing is the fact that so many believe in the Anti-Christ.
  5. So you're basically giving him a pass, saying that the end justifies the means. If only Bush were so gracious with regard to stance against science, particularly stem cell research.
  6. I guess my view is not long enough yet. I can't imagine how just about anything Bush did post invasion of Iraq could ever be seen in a positive light. Up until that point, I thought he did a pretty good job, especially through the 9/11 mess. In the end, if history views his presidency as a success, history might want to have its eyes checked.
  7. I might be just about ready to shoot myself by now if I weren't old enough to remember the 90's like it was yesterday.
  8. Holy schitt, you are my favorite moderator. ACORN is as much a Democratic Organization as you are a Republican.
  9. This coming from the guy who started the Jimmy Carter thread (right, right he's in the news). I don't think I've mentioned W in months. He's certainly not worthy of a cause, but now that Bush is in the conversation, I think it's pretty funny that you all are referring to Carter as one of the worst presidents in American history in the direct wake of one of the worst and most damaging presidents in American history. I wont argue the point about Carter because I'm too young to really remember much about his presidency, but Bush II is certainly fair game when the term 'worst president' starts getting sprouted about. FWIW, my spell checker corrected 2 misspelled words in this post.
  10. You didn't let me finish. The Bible tells us to kill the gays...which is only part of the reason the Bible is absolute crap.
  11. Actually the Bible tells us to kill all the gays.
  12. Out of curiosity, does one sprout or spout garbage?
  13. Let me first qualify this by emphasizing how much I don't give a flying fruck if you believe me or not. The misspelling was purposeful. I'll not cite my extraordinary capacity to spell words correctly because that doesn't actually exist. I'll rather lean on the fact that the browser I'm using has a built-in spell checker as evidence. Take it or leave it. Did you notice that DC Tom misspelled "nucular" in the follow-up post? See, he gets jokes! Jackass.
  14. Awesome. Thanks for noticing the result of 8 years of conditioning. Wonder why the spell checker didn't catch that.
  15. Oh, please.
  16. So it must be all or nothing? Large problems are sometimes best handled in smaller, more manageable steps.
  17. You have repeatedly shown yourself to be pretty racist and although I think it's backward, I support your right to think what you will. I see no reason why your choice of religion should be out-of-bounds when you seem to have no problem judging others based on things that are not their choice.
  18. Did you know that the Rapture is not even mentioned in the Bible?
  19. Or to cover his ass to avoid malpractice claims. The system is messed up and needs to be reformed, which is exactly what this administration is trying to do.
  20. But Carter was a better nuclar engineer.
  21. The warning being that he should hang on to the football this week or face a lawn job.
  22. Jesus Christ... It's SPRAY PAINT people! On growing GRASS. Just go to the game and cheer the man on Sunday. That's all you need to do. Then it will all blow over. However, I may punch a Bills fan in the face if I see one booing McLovin on Sunday after this rather extreme lawn job.
  23. Does anyone know what it actually said?
  24. Republicans = Scared? hmmmm.....might have to re-read that Scientific American article...
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