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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Why do you have such a great desire to disbelieve in The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Hath he not yet touched you with his noodly appendage?
  2. Holy crap. Literally.
  3. So were Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Judas and Jesus' wife weren't so bad, but they got censored.
  4. I'd argue that it's much easier to know more today (internet). Also, we know far more about and have much more proof for the origins of the Universe and the science of Evolution. In my mind, this should logically lead to a less literal interpretation of the ancient texts. The gaps are closing, but there is still plenty of room for whatever faith and belief in science. People today seem to be purposely blinding themselves to any science that disagrees with their faith/worldview. 6,000 year-old Earth, Intelligent Design, Young Earth Creationism - and that's just Christianity. I think is says a lot about how we evolved and human nature in general. Our need to believe is so great that we will lie to ourselves and remain purposely ignorant to continue to believe.
  5. And this is how we should continue to operate? Sounds pretty draconian the way it is. As above, students of all ages and military personnel are two easy cases with vaccination requirements I can think of. There's no debate on the science. It's clearly a matter of public health. And with that said, I know you disagree...
  6. Tell that to the 10 year old cancer patient who has no immune system to speak of. He can't get the vaccine because of his condition. His right to live is less than imposing a minor inconvenience on people who are strong and healthy and TREATING HIM in a state hospital. Not if it were your kid I'm sure. How about the old man who's immune system has degraded with age. The vaccine's not much good to him either and he has to rely on the rest of the "herd". He can die needlessly for your contrived principles. Your kid can't go to school without first being vaccinated. College students face the same requirement. Military personnel are required to be vaccinated. But not healthcare workers? What makes them so special? Socialism! Any healthcare worker who (hopefully by definition) knows the science and consequences and refuses to get the flu vaccine SHOULD be fired. I doubt it's even an issue because anyone who knows what the !@#$ they're talking about and has some minor form of a social conscious will get the vaccine anyway. As I said, anyone who doesn't should be fired.
  7. Their jobs don't revolve around having direct contact with people who are coming to them because they are sick and are likely predisposed to contracting the flu.
  8. No, because you're a retard. Ba-da-bump.
  9. Kind of like the Patriot Act, except that was potentially harmful. Ever hear of biting off your nose to spite your face?
  10. Scary scary! What if some antibacterial soap seeps into a cut??? About the same thing that will happen when you inject someone with a DEAD virus. I know the others are hopeless, but surely you're better than this.
  11. Oh, so you're a vaccine conspiracy theorist! Are you against putting tracking devices in the flu shots or purposely giving people autism?
  12. We should treat raw sewage before dumping it back into the water table. We should irradiate perishables before selling them to the public. Not the best analogies, but there aren't very many comparable ones to vaccines. Tell me, should a state healthcare worker be forced to wash his hands before interacting with a patient? Fired for not showering on a regular basis? Sent home if they are sick? I understand the sentiment here, but it's misplaced in this particular case.
  13. Are you trying to win an argument about typos or do you care about the truth?
  14. That they care about what the science says? That they're doing the right thing for the population based on the science? I believe the answer you were looking for was: They're Socialists!!! Feel better now? Hope you don't get the flu.
  15. Do some research and see what you find braniac.
  16. The Dark Ages were called so for a reason, as was the Age of Enlightenment. Don't confuse spiritual bliss with reason.
  17. It's what's modern day science "knows" is best for everyone, not me. Your ignorance, bad automotive analogies and unspectacular insults don't change a thing.
  18. But we understand so much more about science and how the world works now than in the 2nd.
  19. Would you be offended if I called you a retarded, ignorant jackass?
  20. Directed at who? Don't know you, don't care. Your car accident analogy is way off base. Most people drive or ride in a car ever day. Only a small percentage of people work in healthcare.
  21. The most important here is the safety of the public. If the issue's important enough to you, choose to quit your state healthcare job and join the private sector (where they probably have mandatory flu vaccines too).
  22. Love the selective quoting... What's more important here, the patient's right to life or the heath worker's right to not get vaccinated with a completely safe shot? What are you railing against here? Been to any good tea parties lately?
  23. Reverse the two and the correlation would be similar. Does that tell you anything about the motivations of those protesting this? Sure, make a rape victim give birth, but don't tread on me with your flu vaccine.
  24. Fine, but there are plenty of 'government interference' crusades to choose from. The science here is conclusive. Does anyone realize that we're talking about state healthcare workers here? If I'm going to a hospital should I be exposed to influenza because my nurse/doc/tech decided not to get their flu shot? Nobody's making anyone do anything here. There are lots of things that one can do or choose not to do that might get one fired from one's job. This is no different.
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