Wow, another whacko circle jerk. How unusual and interesting!
Personally, on Palin:
1. She comes across as a folksy, "think with your gut" George W. Bush type fundamentalist.
2. She comes across as uninformed and just plain dumb. I'm sick of intellectually deficient politicians.
3. She doesn't seem to know what the inside of newspaper looks like.
4. She has fringe religious beliefs and seems to have intimate involvement in a fundamentalist church.
5. She thinks the Earth is 6,000 years old.
6. She likely believes that man once walked with the dinosaurs.
7. She's anti-evolution and anti-science.
8. From time to time, she pretends to "speak in tongues".
9. She hunts wolves from helicopters.
10. She illegally wastes taxpayer money on her own personal travel expenses.
11. She's hypocritical in preaching abstinence-only sex education and anti-abortion rhetoric while her teen-aged daughter gets knocked-up and "chooses" to keep the baby.
12. Her best quality by far is her fading good looks. I can't have a wrinkly female president.