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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. SUCH a great movie.
  2. With regard to the Iraq War they certainly do. I honestly don't know how you can rationally defend it.
  3. Tounge-in-cheek...don't be so literal. Who doesn't matter to ME, but something tells me it may to others. I can't say why.
  4. Are you saying that the war is helping to bankrupt America?
  5. I don't know about that. I mean, WWII was pretty bad, but that's not stopping the new Socialist Nazi regime in the WH from turning America into a modern-day Germany.
  6. Hey, given the info we were spoon-fed, a LOT of people were wrong. I was in favor of the war given the circumstances. Turns out there was some shady **** going on...
  7. Well I'm concerned about the economy, but for me personally, war is a bit weightier.
  8. WHO has nothing to do with it.
  9. Sure, but that doesn't mean they're not legally fit to drive.
  10. In death, members of Project Mayhem have a name.
  11. Right! What's a little "war under false pretenses" between friends? Actually, it might be a good idea to remember stuff like this, lest we repeat it. With all the mistrust of government being spewed around here, I'd expect you to be on-board with that sentiment.
  12. They arrested her with a BAC of .06? Did the cop have a "W04" bumper sticker? Ha ha. I'd be pissed.
  13. Yes, we only initiated a war over it. No big deal. Nothing to see here.
  14. This is your best post by far.
  15. Ok, you're a tool without hope and now you're ignored. Internet tough guys never get old.
  16. Wow, you don't like be wrong do you? Are you looking to start and internet fist fight? Personally, I don't really care where you manage projects or clean out garbage cans or whatever. All that is important to me is the lack of intelligence and incapacity for critical thought that you display here on a regular basis. You still have not specified any flaws in the Scientific Method. If an event cannot be reproduced, it is not scientifically relevant. The Scientific Method does not attempt to either prove or disprove ridiculous claims that have no basis in reality such as your silly 'atomic dimensions' theory. This is not a flaw in the Scientific Method. As for the existence of God, the Scientific Method does not attempt to prove or disprove that claim either. All you've really done is cite two nearly identical fantastical claims that illustrate limits of the Scientific Method. Again, limits not flaws. In both cases, the only flaws exist in the logic behind the belief. It occurs to me that the overly-qualified Fortune 500 Project Manager is out of his depth here.
  17. Who said anything about god? I'm only talking about your ridiculous post. Stay on topic and tell my why the first paragraph is not a false premise.
  18. Ok, let's take it apart...First point... It's a false premise because you can't prove the statement. It's just a fluffy blanket BS statement. Your assertion is completely 100% anecdotal, unsupported and irrelevant. You attempt to apply this false premise to Scientific Method later in your argument, but you fail to provide any specifics. The rest of it falls apart because the bulk of it is based on your false premise. We can get into the specifics of that if you like.
  19. You are the king of your world. A legend in your own mind.
  20. You always try so hard. In most things in life, intelligence is no substitute for trying hard. I wish I could fight through more of your posts.
  21. To me, it raises questions about our understanding of the true cause of the "obesity epidemic". I've seen some interesting research indicating that it may have something to do with changes in the composition of the bacterial flora in many Americans. We may eventually find a medical cure to obesity. Laziness on the other hand...
  22. Put down the cupcake and go for a walk fatty!
  23. First, set up the false premise... Use the false premise... Pull some vaguely scientific-sounding phrases out of your ass... Finally, state your ridiculously unsupported conclusion as if you've just proved something mathematically... Good stuff.
  24. Thanks...
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