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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Yep, I was wrong. Not the first time and not the last time. I should know better than to jump to conclusions.
  2. A negative was proven? Is a spittle worth a technical unit of measure? Link?
  3. And the "Batshit Crazy" award for Monday, November 23, 2009 goes to...
  4. I like Sully. He may be a jerk, but he's usually right.
  5. That sounds like an extreme solution that may have unintended consequences. You're advocating dumping a poisonous gas into the atmosphere? I think we should probably be looking to !@#$ with the climate less, not more.
  6. All good points, but that doesn't make heckling a grieving family an acceptable act no matter how blindly ragefull you may be at the time.
  7. Should we still consider behavior like this from the Tea Baggers newsworthy?
  8. The truth is out there.
  9. Cry me a !@#$ing river. What a bunch of whiners. Are you sad because you can't buy products containing CFCs anymore? Looking to spray some DDT on your crops?
  10. Thus proving my point about human nature. Have yourself a very blissful day.
  11. What side tends to shout down the other side when they can't come up with a fact based answer? This descibes the Tea Bag Movement to a "Tee" . You disagree?
  12. Have you noticed the tea bag revolution? Stop digging a hole and realize that it is simply our nature. Only then you can recognize it for what it is and TRY to keep yourself from falling into these traps. It's not easy to accept or change this about oneself (cue the peanut gallery ). CRITICAL THOUGHT
  13. The problem with Republicans is that they feel too much.
  14. Don't be an idiot. It's called "being human". "Being liberal" is just a subset of that, just like "being conservative". Your anecdotal evidence with regard to liberals is ironically tainted by your own bias.
  15. With a straight face? At least most people who post here are interested I guess.
  16. In my opinion, anyone who claims to know the answers to this debate at this point has a PhD in climate science, an axe to grind or a political ideology to further. I love the new hackers conspiracy. They broke into the central "Scientist" mainframe. Perfect fodder for low-information voters.
  17. The problem with liberals is that they think too much. Much better to go with your gut, huh?
  18. Not trying to. My assertion, provided the evidence I've seen, is that Saddam was putting on a show of strength to keep Iran off his ass. He took a calculated risk that the US would not attack without actual evidence of WMD. Obviously he didn't realize who was running our country at the time. Lacking actual concrete evidence, the following was either manufactured or given very little investigation: - Claims of mobile WMD-producing labs hidden within traveling semis - Claims of yellowcake uranium sales from Nigeria - Claims of biological weapons actively being distributed to Iraqi troops - Claims of missiles armed with biological weapons - Claims that Iraq had secretly reconstituted its nuclear weapons program - Claims that Iraq was actively supporting Al Qaeda If these claims proved true, the case for war is solid and our cause would be just. As we all know now, NONE of these panned out. America was duped and if you should be pissed about it.
  19. I feel sorry for the American soldiers who died as a result. Saddam confessed to his US captors before he died that he was putting up a front for fear of looking weak to Iran. In case you missed it, it turns out that Iraq really had shut down all WMD programs. On the surface, it seems he was taking a calculated risk and he lost. Still, looking at our "evidence" from the time, it was at suspect at best and at worst manufactured. Sorry if the truth doesn't mesh well with your ideology. In your completely worthless opinion, if a hyperbolic tool like yourself calls me a moron should I feel good or bad?
  20. Just a full-page picture of Jarius Byrd - no caption required.
  21. It certainly wasn't you.
  22. I don't give a crap about Mrs. Palin (provided she remains at least 500 yards from the White House ). Don't deny that this is where all the Katie Couric hatred begins and ends.
  23. She was the first to out Palin as a ****ing retard after all.
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