I probably qualify as a lefty I guess, especially to righties. Honestly, the board's been kind of boring lately.
Chef Jim's not righty enough to get anyone's blood boiling.
BuffaloDonald is Amateur Hour personified, a complete joke (no debate about this).
OCInBuffalo has a similar problem AND is on ignore (which is kind of nice actually).
Magox continually posts 'We're Doomed' financial updates in BOLD, which kind of has the boy-who-cried-wolf effect.
LABillz chimes in in agreement with just about anything a righty says (while pretending to be an unbiased observer).
Joe In Macungie (see LABillz, no pretending though).
erynthered, Wacka and others I may have purposely blocked out of my mind have just not been living up to the hype lately.
All in all, I haven't had much to B word about and haven't seen too many righties bitching about anything worthwhile. Obama must be doing a better job than W did.
Don't worry though, it's bound to pick up soon.