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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. I probably qualify as a lefty I guess, especially to righties. Honestly, the board's been kind of boring lately. Chef Jim's not righty enough to get anyone's blood boiling. BuffaloDonald is Amateur Hour personified, a complete joke (no debate about this). OCInBuffalo has a similar problem AND is on ignore (which is kind of nice actually). Magox continually posts 'We're Doomed' financial updates in BOLD, which kind of has the boy-who-cried-wolf effect. LABillz chimes in in agreement with just about anything a righty says (while pretending to be an unbiased observer). Joe In Macungie (see LABillz, no pretending though). erynthered, Wacka and others I may have purposely blocked out of my mind have just not been living up to the hype lately. All in all, I haven't had much to B word about and haven't seen too many righties bitching about anything worthwhile. Obama must be doing a better job than W did. Don't worry though, it's bound to pick up soon.
  2. Anyone who thinks Christmas in America is a religious holiday needs to open their eyes. Does it make everyone feel better if we keep up the charade?
  3. Jon Stewart is a right-wing hack!
  4. I agree - there's no reason to limit this to homophobic rednecks. All true believers can be equally backward under the right circumstances.
  5. Awesome!
  6. Literally, welcome to Nazi Germany.
  7. Or more importantly, why does religion even need to be in the conversation here?
  8. Despite the best intentions of the Founding Fathers, there are some who would like that to be so.
  9. No you can't.
  10. Not too sure how I feel about this. I may need to unplug for a while.
  11. I wonder if you show me where the Constitution specifically grants a man the right to marry a woman?
  12. As you seem fond of saying, that is how science is done. How Fleming got there in this example doesn't make his discovery of penicillin any less extraordinary, significant or valuable. If participation in the scientific method results in penicillin, it's all good.
  13. Well, duh. The more the government tells us what we can and cannot do the better.
  14. This will eventually prove out either way, so you're either right or wrong on this topic no matter what you've read firsthand. Which has yet to be determined. Until then, I'll remember not to quote you as a primary source.
  15. I've noticed that dumb topics tend to get hijacked.
  16. That's not what it says. Not even a good try.
  17. There are no scientific facts, only theories. Some theories are more battle-tested than others, but every discrete theory is one or two repeatable contradictory experiments away from being revised or simply tossed out. There is no real debate among climate scientists here and you have no real basis for calling me an alarmist or a zealot. Your opinion about the Prez and his financial policies is obvious. The true opinion here is your assumption that less private sector experience will lead to a 'We're screwed!!' scenario. That sounds alarmist to me, despite your efforts to deflect. As usual you seem to have an agenda.
  18. Yes, 'AWG is bull **** because it doesn't make sense to me' argument is both rational and compelling. Either way I'm hardly alarmist for siding with the consensus. You're only having an easy time because you're playing Mad Libs with my posts.
  19. Hardly. Which indicator of continued financial death and destruction will you be linking to tomorrow? We are so !@#$ed!!!
  20. Magox's Financial Panic! Link of the Day DOOOOOOOMED!!!
  21. Writers, producers, directors and sponsors don't make the science invalid. I'd also imagine he has a team to help with research and fact-checking. Nice! I guess I should have asked 'What makes your opinion any more valid than his?'
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