1. In my head, you were always a black guy.
2. Agreed. Now what if one of the proven wants to reproduce with one of the unproven?
3. The system you thrive in will always have a certain percentage of unemployed - strictly a product of the system.
4. I agree, but I'm torn because I think a person should be allowed to make choices about what happens to their own body. It's miscast as a political issue IMO.
5. As long as you have a good final solution for them.
6. Agreed.
7. You're right, it's just a !@#$ing word you holier-than-thou bastards.
8. Bush was a !@#$ing retard. Thanks for the rebate checks !@#$!
9. We have the technology?
10. Nobody's forcing you to live there.
And number 11.......See #1