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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. You're missing the point. I have enough to do without going around interviewing random small business owners. Show me the numbers to back up your assertions. Your evidence is anecdotal because it relies on your personal experience, which is by definition not objective. Not because you're skewing it, but because human memory is subjective, selective and inaccurate. That's why anecdotal evidence is crappy and evidence collected using the scientific method is not.
  2. You are a !@#$ing idiot.
  3. I like to maintain an optimistic outlook. I also realize that people with an agenda will skew numbers and make assumptions to fit their agenda. We'll see what happens I guess. Anyone know any good unemployed ASP.NET developers in Rochester?
  4. The part where morons state that "the Earth has actually cooled since 1998".
  5. I'll not speak for anyone else, but it's a crappy debate tactic as far as I'm concerned. If you'd like to refer me to some posts I've made that use this, please feel free. If not, please feel free to continue "believing" what you will. I realize you're the type of person who likes to pull **** out of his ass, so I don't mind your rhetoric.
  6. Kind of reminds me of the global warming debate...
  7. Have you ever heard of a debate tactic known as the Gish Gallop? http://rationalwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Gish_gallop Named for creationism activist and professional debater Duane Gish, the Gish Gallop is an informal name for a rhetorical technique in debates that involves drowning the opponent in half-truths, lies, straw men, and bull **** to such a degree that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood that has been raised.
  8. Again, not saying you're wrong, but your evidence is completely anecdotal. It's not very convincing if I need to take your word for it. Incidentally, it's laughable to think that someone would do things to AVOID making more than $200K/year single or $250K/year married because they're scared of taxes. I do not have much sympathy for a person with such "problems".
  9. The science will eventually prove out one way or the other, but don't act like you know the answer based on your interpretation of some emails that a group of scientists exchanged. It seems like you're only digging deep enough to validate what you already "know".
  10. Whatever happened to OwensMania?
  11. I honestly don't think I know enough about it have an informed opinion either way. That said, a statement like that seems pretty speculative to me. I'd have to see the numbers that indicate that succussful small businesses are not hiring. Even then you'd be making some pretty big assumptions about the reasons for it. 'Obama's agenda' is such a vague term. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that you're not laying it all out. All you're giving me is a sound bite.
  12. Sorry Don, try again. Explain the weather and leave your speculation about what I do out of it. Come on, rocket scientist.
  13. The quote you were citing... Your resulting strawman. I'm not making **** up here.
  14. Well, first off you're showing your complete lack of understanding by writing this. I don't think that explaining how stupid this is will do much good so... In your head (where this line of thinking obviously makes sense) how do explain the fact that I was consistently able to golf through late November in Buffalo this year? Really, can't wait to see the twisted logic.
  15. You have conservative tendencies, but are not generally serious enough to qualify. Whack-jobs don't usually have much of a sense of humor, to the point where they may have a hard time knowing when they are being made fun of.
  16. Right, that's what I said. You might create more strawmen than anyone on this board.
  17. Paris Hilton's lucky you don't wear steel-toed boots!
  18. I agree that he's done nothing to deserve the Peace Prize. It's not like he lobbied for it though. You should thank me for giving your lame thread some play.
  19. Are you suggesting that it's not all Obama's fault?
  20. Not with our business. We deal with clinical trials sites and private practice clinics. 'Shackled by excuses' was slightly tongue-in-cheek. I understand that there are small businesses that are struggling. Nobody said it's supposed to be easy though. We are thriving through hard work, good timing and good ideas. The American Dream if you will.
  21. No government involvement here. Our company provides web-based workflow and management software for the healthcare industry.
  22. Of course I did.
  23. Anecdotally, our small company is currently hiring and doing quite well. I guess we aren't shackled by excuses.
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