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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. I guess I'd join The Revolution.
  2. No I don't. Way to fall back on abortion though. I guess it's ok to do whatever you like to whoever as long as you wait for that person to be born, right?
  3. As opposed to gang raping and dismembering your mistress. Edit: Only after offering up your daughter to the same fate.
  4. Better start making some more baby crackers!
  5. Yep, the Bible's still all kinds of !@#$ed up.
  6. Remember when being an environmentalist meant protesting nuclear power?
  7. Would anyone have be shocked if W had actually done this for real?
  8. At least it wasn't 'Jenny McCarthy' and 'boogers'.
  9. The question really wasn't about any particular bill, but I see you're hot on this healthcare topic. You're against mandatory health insurance, mostly because of the cost to taxpayers. Who do you think currently foots the bill for the uninsured? You're against tax brackets or any hard line used to separate taxpayers into groups. How do you propose taxpayers be categorized? You say there's infighting among the Dems (which you find amusing) and that's what's holding up this bill. Then you add that it's the true Conservatives who are doing the right thing here and that the Dems are taking one for the Democratic "team". Huh?
  10. I can live with it.
  11. Doesn't the unfettered group-think that your preferred party generally engages in bother you?
  12. I like the infighting. Seems the Dems don't behave in lockstep with the party, which is a good thing.
  13. Agreed, good luck getting it through Congress...
  14. Does the fact that I enjoy watching whack-jobs squirm make me a bad person? I'll save you the effort: No, being a god-hating pinko makes you a bad person.
  15. Don't mean to get all up in your **** about it. It's just that sites these take advantage of people's preconceived notions and create skewed content that usually borders on outright misinformation and lies, all to increase readership. Journalistic integrity doesn't even seem to be an afterthought. I know, it's opinion, right? When every opinion piece published fits the same narrow worldview, you get nothing but propaganda.
  16. Spend much time perusing the Daily Koz?
  17. You don't seem to fit the mold of the typical cro-magnon whack-job. I was hoping World New Daily isn't in your regular rotation.
  18. This is part of what makes the US great, NYC in this case: equal rights for all citizens, no matter their ethnicity, religion, sex, etc... Nothing good has ever come from us abandoning that principle. Incidentally, how can you use a site like that as a news source and live with yourself? It's absolutely ridiculous.
  19. This is pure gold.
  20. Leave him alone. He's trying to win an argument.
  21. Yup, you're still wrong. But then again you don't care so there it is. Sound bites are fun.
  22. Wait, that's not evidence. Still waiting!!!!!
  23. And we're nothing but a couple of bull-headed retards.
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