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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Well, no ****. Basic supply/demand says that both tenure and good wages are valuable incentives. You need to increase wages (see raise taxes) if you remove tenure just to break even. Typical neo-con response: "Just spend more money!" You can't spend your way out of everything, LABillz.
  2. The best indicator of how much we currently value education in America is the ****ty wages we pay our teachers. Unless you can somehow force good people into the profession, any reduction in incentive (like removing tenure) will likely only have a negative affect on the overall quality of teachers. It's easy to focus on those who abuse any system, but there are also good tenured teachers who might be doing something else if not for the job security.
  3. The Richard Reid 'attack' is the best comparison. There's not much we can do about this sort of thing right now because airport security is nothing more than Security Theater. In a way, it kind of reminds me of faith and religion. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy even though it's all just an illusion. We should really just get over our modesty and screen everybody with those scanners that can see through clothes.
  4. Looks like some semblance of rationality has once again set in and another wingnut "outrage" has gone by the wayside. Don't worry, there will be at least three more this week. Fukkin idiots.
  5. Would anything in the Patriot Act have prevented this most recent attempted terrorist attack?
  6. Cruise missles make him no less of a p*ssy than Clinton. There is no appropriate reaction when you are unpatriotic and hate the president and the US of muthafukin A.
  7. If only our shivs weren't all tied up in other endeavors...
  8. Not to disrupt the wingnut lovefest, but what's the acceptable reaction here?
  9. That's certainly a telling phrase, my lord. Does god tell you to dislike the ghetto-dwellers more than the trailer trash or the other way round?
  10. All I'm saying is that there are valid reasons for the new guidelines.
  11. That's a rather ignorant statement.
  12. Just don't take the angel on top of my Christmas tree.
  13. This thread needs more cowbell.
  14. Yes, because "The Revolution" is coming.
  15. Oooooooo...scarrrrrry!!! You should work for Fox News.
  16. Most ills in the world and throughout history can be traced directly to religion and there is no such thing as a good or bad religion. Atrocities have been performed in the name of MANY gods. Even if you cite the good that you think religion does, why delude ourselves? Do you need some god looking over your shoulder in order to do the right thing or are you man enough to do the right thing simply because it's the right thing? Why should the REALITY take a backseat to "all the good" you think religion does? Just make sure you say Merry Christmas and (in the spirit of the holiday) enjoy all that you do for yourself and screw everybody else, right? It's the Conservative way! You phucking hypocrite.
  17. Shouldn't be too difficult. Viva la Revolucion!
  18. Self serving?
  19. You wish. Wake me up when "The Revolution" starts.
  20. Right, Joe Tea Bagger understands EXACTLY what he's protesting. You sure do seem to always be pretty damned sure about what you know. It suits you.
  21. I'd hate to put words in anyone's mouth, but all religion can go the way of the dodo as far as I'm concerned. The world would be a much better place without all of these misguided ridiculous beliefs.
  22. I was being sarcastic. I'm not going to join any revolution because I have suddenly become indignant about wasteful government spending. Where was the "Tea Bag Revolution" prior to 2009? It's a !@#$ing joke this temper tantrum mentality a revolution. It's an insult to legitimate revolutions throughout history.
  23. By god's grace you make a completely irrelevant point.
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