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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. On a more spiritual note, with the nearly miraculous and possibly divine recovery of Rush Limbaugh, I see no reasonable option but to accept the fact that there is a god and that that god is the Christian god. I have been saved and intend on doing some doctor shopping after work to celebrate.
  2. Actually, I was pretty drunk when I posted that. Hope I didn't offend too much.
  3. Easy man - he's NOT worth it! Stay back. You have a wife and children to think about and you're not gonna do them any good sitting in jail! Somebody hold him back! Nothing better than 'Internet Tough Guy'. Keep up the good work! I can't speak for the rest, but I'm already pissing my pants, so PLEASE don't offer to send me a plane ticket. I bow down to your keyboard muscles. WWJD?
  4. Perfect explanation as to why you are the way you are!
  5. I was nailing your mom? I kid, I kid...
  6. I never called NPR partisan. Truth is truth and opinions are obviously like arseholes.
  7. Please point me to all of the right-leaning science programs when you get a chance.
  8. Your correction is grammatically incorrect.
  9. Nobody bashing teachers unions cares about any of this. They just care about small government and what's best for 'me'.
  10. That's what old Rushbo if finding out right now.
  11. It's hard to find intellectual programming that doesn't lean to the left. Hmmmmmm.........
  12. I think that in general most people stay away from the doctor as much as possible, even if they have health insurance.
  13. I think that preventative medicine is cheaper in the long run, so keeping people away from the doctor due to lack of health insurance is more expensive. I also think that people should be able to get decent health care when they need it in America, and preferably anywhere else. Humanity is better for it.
  14. I thought you trademarked 'egomaniacal contrarian wrapped in contempt for humanity'.
  15. Nope, the taxpayers are mostly footing the bill now I think.
  16. He's a self-serving contradiction wrapped in hyperbole.
  17. Bring out yer dead! (Edit: The body collector should be from the private sector of course. If the Free Market dictates that no profit can be made from body collection, the dead can rot where they die.)
  18. Airport security has never been effective. This is not a case of someone not doing his job correctly, but rather a reminder that the current screening procedures achieve nothing more than giving the masses a false sense of security. Technology is the answer here. Then again, terrorist attacks rank pretty low in yearly 'cause of death' stats.
  19. Far better to let them die in the gutter. This is America after all.
  20. Hard to imagine considering how well he takes care of himself. I'm sure he has access to the best in healthcare and will no doubt be pounding Big Macs and popping Oxycontin like candy in no time. Get well soon big guy!
  21. !@#$ public education, got it. At least you're consistent.
  22. 40-50K is not that good a wage considering you need a Masters Degree to get a teaching position in most states. The point is, we should be trying to attract the best and brightest to teach our children if we say we value education. Those who can do, those who can't teach...
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