Well boys, opinions are of course like arseholes. Good luck with your "movement". I hope it all comes out ok in the end.
Totally off-topic, it's so weird to me when posters refer to me as Gene. I might start asking real people to call me that.
I can't speak for anyone else, but it's certainly not my tactic, dude. Plus, it doesn't matter who engages in such behavior - it's still awful. I would never support such a mentality outside of, say, the Ralph.
Do what you will - we live in a democracy after all. If you go about it in the wrong way, people outside of the "movement" will not take you seriously, as evidenced by the fact that nobody seems to be paying attention right now. In my view, the term "Teabagger" has become nothing more than a (possibly negative) re-branding of "Republican" or "Conservative". Call yourselves what you will. Just my opinion of course.
Yes, YOU did. After the fact. Not the morons shouting down whatever at town hall meeting. That's my point. It's post-hoc rationalization for childish behavior. Also, nobody is paying attention outside of the "movement". Good luck with that.
I seem to have hit a nerve. You jackasses sure seem passionate at least, kind of like rabid football fans.
I think that all you need to know about the Teabag "movement" is their favorite tactic of shouting down anyone who doesn't agree with what they are saying. There is no expressed logic or reason to their protest. They simply don't like the president and have very public temper tantrums to convey this fact. Then you brainiacs come to the rescue with post-hoc rationalizations as to why these retards are acting like children. In the end, it really amount to nothing more than towing the party line, which is fine. It would just be nice if real debate was being employed instead of these silly tactics. I doubt many independents are swayed by such childish behavior. It does little to convince anyone who is not pre-convinced.
Well...it couldn't hurt to flood CBS with email for Cowher. I stole this from the BB MBs, so sue me.
This reminds me of when Bills fans were "recruiting" TKO during a late season game in Buffalo right before he he became an UFA. That had some influence on his decision as I recall.
It continues to amaze me how badly you want this "movement" to be successful. At times you seem much too intelligent to align yourself with these low-information imbeciles, but perception is not always reality.
I doesn't sound like there's anything OK about what's going on in Uganda as a result of these Fundamentalist Christian Radicals. Does it sound to you like they're doing the work of your god?