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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. That might make you feel better for 5 minutes, but then you're just left with a bunch of new idiots, some of whom might actually be worse.
  2. When there's no scientific way to support or disprove a notion, you can just "make schitt up" and never be wrong. You lack faith, heathen.
  3. It may be a bit over the top but nothing I said is untrue. The assumption that "goverinng from a Judeo/Christian ethic" is automatically a good thing is equally absurd.
  4. And all is right with the world.
  5. Hey, I'm just pointing out what a "Judeo/Christian ethic" tends to look like in practice.
  6. This is such an enlightened thread. WTF have you all done to PPP?
  7. I have faith that the science will work itself out. Now see how easy that is?
  8. Imagine the public lashing a politician would face if he said he was an atheist. Just keep your religion out of my face and government please. BTW, "No atheists in foxholes" is so lame. You can have keep the knee pads because I won't be needing them...
  9. Kill the fags and don't eat shellfish. It's also ok to kill non-fags, so long as they've already been born. Pedophilia, while widely ignored/supported in the past, will no longer be tolerated (if you get caught).
  10. Honestly though, that's the beauty of science. Nothing is set in stone and every theory must change based on observation. Nothing faith-based could ever survive under such scrutiny. So scrutiny is looked down upon in such organizations and scrutinizers are told they lack faith.
  11. Only the Bible is fact.
  12. What does that even mean? You should write inspirational posters.
  13. No, they're all theories. The amount of evidence directly supporting a theory may make it more credible than other theories, which is probably what you're talking about. Every theory is exactly one negative experiment away from becoming obsolete, which is what makes science more rational than anything faith-based. There have been many experiments supporting Relativity. How many nuclear bombs or reactors do you need to see before you're convinced? Why do we need to constantly account for Relativity to get accurate results from our GPS systems? I know you're not preaching against Relativity, but every scientific theory with a body of evidence like Relativity, Evolution or Gravity falls into the "weightier" category. Evolution in particular has been continually scrutinized by those who would like nothing better than to shoot it down, and that's actually a good thing. Strangely, it still stands.
  14. Even GOD knows the Earth is more than 6,000 years old. The worst part is, let's say god exists and set the whole thing in motion. He puts just the right spin on the singularity, resulting in the exact circumstances that lead to our Universe, Earth and eventually life on Earth. God does this by using billions of years of selective pressures to eventually mold us in his own image. Damn that guy has some knowledge and foresight! Then some fuktards come along and build a museum in Kentucky and start claiming that the process is bunk and the whole thing was *POOF* created from nothing in 6 days. If I were god, I'd be pissed.
  15. More proof that prayer doesn't work.
  16. I struggle with that nearly every day of my life. It's almost enough to make me believe that god exists and is a Pats* fan.
  17. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? - Epicurus
  18. Stick your fingers in your ears and stomp your feet and nobody will ever prove you wrong.
  19. Actually, not even close. The Big Bang is not uncaused, unprovable or unobservable. You might have been thinking of "god". Whether or not you wish to entertain the notion that selective pressures working on "inorganic molecules" over billions of years can lead to DNA and RNA is really irrelevant. You obviously have an agenda and are hardly objective or educable.
  20. Which would be fantastic if taking a literal interpretation of the Bible were a rational thing to do...
  21. Wow, you've got some fugged up misconceptions and some twisted logic up in there. The point, apparently, is that you don't like lefties, but did we really need to invoke Darwin to illustrate this? You are all over the map and about to fall of the edge of the Earth.
  22. What's up dude? Ok, Evolution is no more evil than Gravity.
  23. I actually read one of your posts and it didn't immediately make me want to puke. What a day I'm having! Assuming that you accept it, and it appears that you do, Evolution is no more good or evil than Gravity. Something may indeed evolve into something else (or more likely many other things), but Evolution always requires something to evolve from and therefore does not really deal with the origin of the Big Bang. Evolution does strongly conflict with a literal interpretation of Genesis, which is why many fundamentalist Christians have such a problem with it. Free Market != Evolution. They're not really the same thing at all. The last part about god, government and global warming is interesting because unfounded faith in anything is a bunch of crap. At least government and global warming can be investigated and evaluated using science logic. You could as easily cite "Buffalo Bills Football", "911 Truthers" and "Global Warming Deniers" and make a similar point. My question would be, given that faith in a god REQUIRES a total lack of evidence by definition, why is belief in god acceptable?
  24. That made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.
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