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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Blow me. I work hard, am very good at my job and have a solid career with a bright future. I've never taken unemployment, even when I was briefly unemployed in 2001. I do, however, realize that not everyone is like me and that the world does not begin and end with me. I can't seem to rationalize simply looking out for #1, and that's where my godless morals kick in and we drift apart in our worldviews.
  2. 3 for 3. I'm heating up!
  3. RkFast, I know sometimes Google doesn't work on your computer, so here it is from snopes: http://www.snopes.com/holidays/christmas/xmasabbr.asp As you can see in the second paragraph, it is the opinion of snopes.com that it's ok for you to feel slighted by the term Xmas. This makes a lot of sense to me because the very people who actually WOULD feel slighted by such a thing don't typically seem too interested in facts anyway. Merry Xmas (Tax Day)!!!
  4. The first way of course, provided needs are met strictly through charity. Talk about fairies and unicorns... Incidentally, any private charity that you may decide to contribute to has the EXACT same issues.
  5. A bit off topic, but you know that Xmas isn't a disrespectful abbreviation, right? It's not actually "taking the Christ out of Christmas". Do you know the history of the term?
  6. I must have hit a nerve or three to get so many indignant responses. All ya'll can justify it however you want. You obvious already have lots invested in your rationalizations. Nothing is so black-and-white of course. This was more of a response-in-kind to the extreme righty circle jerk that was in progress. LABillz gets to eat the cookie!
  7. Really? The people making most of the money are giving more to charity than those struggling to make ends meet? That's amazing. Of course, what you're really talking about are tax write-offs. If guilt-driven charity is enough, why are we even having this conversation?
  8. I'd say that the Republicans/Conservative ideology is selfish by definition, in the purest sense of the word.
  9. I don't disagree with any of that. I simply stop way short of where most Conservatives line up on how far we should go with these programs. No matter what the system, a certain percentage of people will abuse it. That doesn't mean the system is bad as a whole.
  10. 2 for 2. I must be doing something right.
  11. Holy shite. I'm no bleeding heart liberal, though I certainly lean to the left. The thing about Republicans is that they're selfish. You can't adopt that kind of mentality without being completely self-centered and having an utter lack of empathy toward the plight of less fortunate people. Every man for himself. That said, neither extreme is very appealing. One shouldn't strive to rely on others if they are able to take care of themselves. At the same time, these self-proclaimed Christians should be the last people to turn their backs on their fellow man. In the end, it's the utter hypocrisy and backward-thinking of the Republican party that really tips the scales for me.
  12. Kind of the point. I wasn't really calling LABillz a motherfoker. Whether he is one or not is another conversation.
  13. Which is both closer and better than Oedipus, motherfoker.
  14. None taken, it's all good man.
  15. Well obviously I got the meaning from the context, but as to the exact definition, yes. I have no inferiority complex with regard to my vocabulary, I realize that don't I know everything and I'm never afraid to admit what I don't know. But that's just me...
  16. A net gain no matter how it turns out.
  17. I'm ashamed to say I had to look up 'odious', but in doing so I think I've finally found a word which personifies what I'm all about.
  18. Generally speaking, most or my generalizations generally tend to generally be tongue-in-cheek, generally speaking.
  19. There have been (at least) several double-blinded studies regarding this. I can find some links if Google is not working on your computer. Are you sure I'm the one dealing in absolutes???
  20. Certainly my favorite Jimmy, but not necessarily my favorite Jimi.
  21. I'm a man of my convictions and there's no way I'm gonna spend my last moments as a hypocrite, no matter what you might think. The effect of prayer is something that can and has actually been studied scientifically and guess what...it's not effective in the least. Of course then you might say that the power of prayer can't be measured scientifically and then I might tell you you're only fooling yourself.
  22. That was pretty much my point. Going down the ballot and checking every name that isn't incumbent might feel good, but may not be the best plan in the end. Your method seems more effective. The baggers are angry!
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