I assume you support entitlements to help take care of the child after forcing the birth, right?
Or maybe just mind your business and stay out of the business of others.
The "left" is playing by Trump's rules now. I hope it's frustrating, as it has been for everyone since 2016. This is the equivalent of punching the bully in the face and watching him run away crying. Man up, pansies!!!
Allow people, especially women, autonomy over their own bodies.
Why won't Donald debate her?
He's old AF and is having trouble remembering what is real. Sad, really. I almost feel sorry for him, but then I remember what a POS he is.
Y'all are having a hard time moving on from Joe, huh? It's almost like the whole Trump campaign is built on nothing of substance. Take "Let's Go Brandon" away and there doesn't seem to be anything left. Good luck with that.