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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Or when a Christian conservative is in favor of the death penalty? Or when a closeted gay Baptist minister traveling with a paid boy toy is an anti-gay-rights activist?
  2. Ha! Don't forget about the pedophilia.
  3. No, you're thinking of Christians.
  4. Truer words have never been spoken.
  5. Converting to Catholicism to teach (work) is far better than converting to Catholicism for the usual reasons. Imagine being an Irish alter boy in the past 50 years.
  6. That's because you believe in magic, while I don't.
  7. God made me in his image, snarky little one-liners and all. The depth of my knowledge and ability to reason are a direct reflection of God's knowledge and ability to reason, so you better watch your ass or you might get smote.
  8. Ron Paul seems such an idealist. Are his no-government ideas even practical or just a symbolic rallying point for people who hate the idea of big government?
  9. Sounds like the Crusades... You can turn off Fox News any time now.
  10. To paraphrase, you said you don't know what they do or how they might improve what they do, but you would like to see some changes. No? I didn't mean to misinterpret what you wrote.
  11. Sure, sure, whatever. I don't even remotely care about the difference. The fact is that Muslims in the Middle East hate us first and foremost because we support Israel. I'm not saying we shouldn't support Israel, but there's no need to ignore it or make irrelevant statements about the difference between Arabs and Pakistanis. I can't speak to the motives of Indonesians, but they're not exactly coming over here to blow up our nightclubs in the States. Perhaps they don't like Westerners bringing corruption to their country. If we left them alone, they would likely leave us alone as well.
  12. So you don't really know what you're bitching about, you just know you hate the team that's currently in office.
  13. It's our extreme, long-lived support of Israel that makes the people in Arab countries hate the US.
  14. Finally some perspective on how to really protect the homeland from Islamic terrorists. Stay the !@#$ out of the Middle East.
  15. I can make up any **** I want, but that doesn't make it true. You call me naive and then back it up with...NOTHING. If you're going to drag conspiracy theories into the discussion, have some evidence to back them up. Which conspiracy sites exactly are you getting your truth from?
  16. I would think that they would trumpet every success to show that their efforts are working. The prior administration never missed a chance to hype even minor intelligence victories. Do you have any links to the foiled plots which were not publicly released?
  17. Then why wasn't this latest terrorist caught prior to his attempted terrorist attack? How about Richard Reid? How about the guy with the bomb in his underwear? Ineffective
  18. Think about what a waste of time that whole incident cost. What terrorist is going to hide a bomb in his shoe anymore?
  19. I'm not talking about legalities. What do you use to coordinate and filter all of this captured traffic? Where do you find enough manpower and translators? What do you do about strongly encrypted traffic? Assuming it's possible (I don't), what's it worth and what are the trade-offs? As a conservative, I'd assume that cost is a consideration for you.
  20. Right. How exactly does one "ping all IP traffic destined to & from Pakistan"?
  21. To what end? What does any of this accomplish other than making you falsely feel safer? Do you think these people don't adapt to the crappy safety measures that have been implemented at tremendous cost to the taxpayers? Does it make you feel safer when they ask you to take your shoes off at the airport? Our best efforts did not prevent this latest attack.
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