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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Siding with the current science does not require me to prove the current science. If you want to offer data or experimental evidence which counters what the current science says, that is on you. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. You may say that Anthropomorphic Global Warming is an extraordinary claim. I would agree. Scientists are in the process of gathering data and testing that claim. I do not believe or disbelieve in Anthropomorphic Global Warming, I simply choose to accept the current science. I view it no differently or more or less passionately than the Big Bang Theory, Evolution or Gravity. The difference is that climate science has further to go. My opinion will change as data accumulates and consensus is reached among experts who actually know what the funk they're talking about. I have no interest in what any non-qualified hack has to say about any of this. Yours or my limited understanding of a complex system does not yield good contributions to this discussion. Everybody's a freaking expert because of Google.
  2. Look his original post. He tends to say the same things over and over again in multiple threads, thus the confusion.
  3. You are free to point out any specific logical fallacies I might commit.
  4. I don't recall saying any of that. We were initially talking about the direct effects of Al Gore's "ocean view" property purchase on Global Warming. Then you went all ADD. Pay attention!
  5. Can I see a link to the trillions we are spending on this research?
  6. I don't believe I can convince you of anything. Either you're objectively interested in the science and what it might say, or you have an agenda based on politics or preconceived notions. You can think whatever you like because this is America. On the other hand, if you want to persuade someone of your way of thinking, wouldn't it be better to cite some facts to backup what you're arguing? Maybe reference some actual science in an objective manner? All you offer are non-sequiturs and ad hominem attacks on irrelevant people. When I call you on it you offer more of the same. What's the point?
  7. 500 opinions, threats and non-sequiturs piled up on top of each other still does not make a logically-sound argument.
  8. Oh, you were trying to be funny. I've got to remember that you do that sometimes.
  9. Jackass, nothing Al Gore does, buys or thinks affects what is actually going on with the Earth's climate. Funny, but every time I hear somebody talk about how man-made Global Warming is definitely not real, it's almost exactly like hearing a 9/11 Truther talk. "The government, environmentalists and scientists are all in on a great big conspiracy to fool the world"! This whole thread is worthless.
  10. Right again, because referencing Bill Nye is the actual period to the Global Warming "scam". How could so many people be so naive?
  11. I'm not saying anything like that - it's slightly complicated system after all. I don't think making a simple, general statement like "the planet goes through natural warming and cooling phases" even remotely does it justice. It's a cop-out which all too effectively devalues the real research, at least in the court of public opinion.
  12. I'd be happy to look at the temperature data you're basing your opinion on. We can only work with what we've got.
  13. It's hardly surprising that this constitutes proof for you. Do you really think that proving Al Gore a hypocrite also proves Global Warming a "scam"?
  14. link? Incidentally, ice core samples give us temperature data up to 420,000 years ago.
  15. And you're better for it. Now if only the rest of America would follow suit.
  16. Faux News >> Huff Po
  17. The Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark, Santa's Sleigh and Iraq's WMD...what's the difference, really? Still, the guy should remember Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  18. When who's complaining about America?!
  19. No, you don't get it...I really don't care. I thought your comment was funny, but now I see that you really are still trying. Have at it, Hoss - entertain me.
  20. Your smack talk has taken a serious turn toward flaccid in recent years, old man.
  21. Stop being such a whiny little B word. Instead, focus on being the ray of sunshine that everyone here has come to expect.
  22. Not even close. You can call me whatever you like in whatever capacity you like without fear because your opinion means that much to me.
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