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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. That is a great quote from a great man.
  2. Quite the rational fear you've got there... The Rapture is coming! The Rapture is coming!
  3. The Swedish Chef is a real a-hole.
  4. Religulous is great. Maher's a credulous idiot otherwise though. He buys into and supports all kinds of crazy crap: he's anti-vax, anti-Western medicine, pro-homeopathy, etc... A very confused individual. Hitchens is great.
  5. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  6. I think you know.
  7. What a dork. How can you people try so very hard and not even be the slightest bit funny?
  8. Maybe he's not such a douche after all...
  9. You are much more of a douche than James Cameron. Terminator Aliens The Abyss T2
  10. Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them. - Thomas Jefferson Apparently when ridiculed, you come up with more distinct propositions. I think cutting it to one year is a bit drastic, but five seems too long... Not only is this heartless, it's unrealistic. Your conservative idealism is creeping in here. Do you really think the people who end up on food stamps for extended periods of time are going to do the responsible thing and not make babies? Do you really want to see starving children in the streets of America? Should the greatest nation not be able to provide FOOD for its children? Do we live in Sub-Saharan Africa? You can't punish (starve) children because their parents are deadbeats. Agreed. So pour more money into making sure the program is adhered to? I think we could find some compromise here, though again, I think yours is a bit harsh. We're still talking about taking food away from Americans. No, it seems to me that you actually thought about it and had some valid points of your own. Congrats.
  11. I think Dante's idea is fine, and I said as much. Propose a solution instead of mindlessly bitching and spouting tired party-line rhetoric and cliches like "They would be doing work otherwise done by highly paid city union employees". That's all I'm saying.
  12. A link from the same article which is strange but interesting: Kevin Costner (yes that Kevin Costner) cleans the Gulf?
  13. I'm not saying the system is good the way it is, but you offer no solutions, only rhetoric. When pressed, you say I'm mocking you and offer more of the same. I may be all mock, but I'm not wrong because you have no substance to your "solution". All you seem capable of here is spouting idealistic conservative ideas. Please prove me wrong and provide something concrete. Any idiot can say we need tougher criteria without actually providing it.
  14. So you propose a great big head fake? You want to phase out food stamps and replace the program with...something very similar to food stamps. But this time we'll figure out who really needs them using...magic? Why go through all this when we can just implement your "higher accountability, tougher approval standards, and limited ability to be extended" plan on the existing program? I'd imagine you haven't fleshed out the details of your new, improved criteria, which is really where the rubber meets the road here. Sounds pretty idealistic to me, like you haven't really thought this through and are just parroting your party line.
  15. That sounds like a decent idea. Realistically, of course, you'd have to set up criteria for exceptions, leading back to a sorting problem.
  16. What does that even mean? Your sorting solution is to completely cut welfare in two years? Why didn't I think of that?!
  17. Cowbells make cowbell sounds
  18. Really jackass? How do you propose we separate the helpless from the "clueless"? Cage match?
  19. Everyone needs to drive a vehicle, even the very tall.
  20. Let me rephrase: Did he say anything more inaccurate or misleading than any other scientist trying to dumb the science down for mass-consumption?
  21. Not a stretch by any means, but you can't say that for certain. Perhaps that kid instead grows up and unifies Gravity. The odds are obviously with you, but either way he's only dead today because of the sins of his grandfather.
  22. Hey, you gotta look out for #1. I don't need no Motherment taking my money to feed no poor kids (especially the non-white ones) - they can get a job like the rest of us. Barry Hussein Obama can stick those food stamps up his ass. It's all about personal responsibility. How they gonna learn if we just give them free food?! Oops, gotta go, time for church... GOD bless America! USA! USA! USA!
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