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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Probably not, but I suspect he could use some guidance from Mr. Paladino regarding his personal hygiene.
  2. Trust me, you will never disappoint me by not being remotely religious. In a perfect world there are no mosques, churches or religious zealots. However, this case is cut-and-dry, so says the Constitution of the good ole' U.S. of A. - just as the Framers intended. I'll not pretend to know the motivations of any of the true-believing idiots involved on either side here, but their intentions have no bearing here. The Constitution is more important than your paranoia over some "Cordoba", imagined or real. To borrow a little right-wing rhetoric, love it or leave it, Rob. They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin
  3. Shiiiit, all I'm doing is calling a spade a spade. No pun intended.
  4. In fairness to Mr. Paladino's fine idea, you're probably not the type, class or color of person he's targeting here.
  5. The difference is I'm right. But seriously, I don't like to think that I'm so one dimensional (cue the peanut gallery). Maybe I am, but I'm always most interested in the truth. Most of your posts have to do with economics so does that make you so different? Like it or not, this "retard" subject is a big deal to a lot of idiots right now. This whole ridiculous debate is being fed by religious zealots and I've never tried to hide my contempt for these types. They can all jump off a cliff for all I care, but the constitutionality of this issue is extremely black and white. Personally, I think they should open up another strip club instead of another mosque or church. Aren't these things supposed to be closing instead of opening anyway? I know of several Catholic churches in my area that have closed their doors recently. That seems to be a nice trend outside of the Bible Belt. At least some portion of the population is waking up it seems, which unfortunately leaves only the zealots and truly true believers running the show at their respective fantasy land. In a way, that's even worse - from my perspective of course.
  6. If you want to believe in Yahweh and Jesus or Allah and Mohammed be my guest, because if it weren't for all of that B.S., we might be talking about something that actually matters.
  7. One more post...what could 'we' potentially mean? I have problems...
  8. I may be spending too much time here lately. Time for me to take a break I think. I'm sure you're all broken-up now.
  9. I'm not after anything. I post a few stats (interpret them as you will) and I start getting bashed. Facts should only add to the conversation. I gave no interpretation of their meaning.
  10. I'm glad you're so willing and capable of telling me what I was referring to.
  11. Tell me, does your lack of IMMEDIATE reply mean you're confused or just not monitoring PPP for a potential pissing match 24/7? I understand the tundra partially thaws this time of year, so I give you the benefit of the doubt in this case.
  12. I was speaking precisely of his self-censorship. It was a comment for the OP, and of course he may do as he wishes. Especially if he avoids bringing up wives, mothers and girlfriends.
  13. It simply speaks to the maximum number of people who may or may not be being persecuted in the manner described. Nothing more, nothing less.
  14. Well, that's obviously open to interpretation. I only presented the stats.
  15. Do we really need to censor THIS board? Anybody who posts here regularly should know what goes on...
  16. Nothing like a little Holocaust denial to spice things up, eh Ahmadinejad?
  17. An interesting side note which lends your comment some numbers: 7% of African Americans identify themselves as Republican. 5% of the Republican Party is composed of African Americans. 1% of the "Tea Party" is composed of African Americans. Not intended to start a fight, just some somewhat relevant stats.
  18. Never heard 'casting pearls before swine' before - that's pretty good. You certainly know your Bible at least. I think you're right and I'm crossing the line a bit here. I'll stop now.
  19. It's Friday...and I ain't got schitt to do. Might as well bust on somebody's completely ridiculous belief system! May god strike me down with several bolts of lightning if that's so wrong...
  20. Zombie Apocalypse! Now that I can get behind.
  21. That would all be fine and well if the Bible weren't a complete load of crap written and selectively edited by humans.
  22. Damn - that one-ups the Alexander Hamilton quote. I've got to pay more attention to signatures.
  23. You certainly won't need my permission when you're magically flying away with Jebus! You know it's not even referenced in the Bible, right?
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