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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Of course it SEEMS like that to you because you happen agree with the Right's opinions. Most teabaggers (and birthers) seem to be protesting the man and are simply retrofitting their talking points and protests to justify their hatred of said man. This is of course their right, but please don't try to portray it as some type of noble grass roots activism based on actual issues. See it for what it is and don't be blind to the fact that most human beings think and behave like this...not just when it comes to politics and regardless of Left or Right. Media types like Limbaugh, Olberman, Hannity and Maddow absolutely thrive on this concept. If you happen to be able to break this cycle of behavior in yourself and start thinking critically, you're suddenly far ahead of the retard curve. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ht8PmEjxUfg
  2. Bush was/still should be the decider. Don't be unpatriotic.
  3. Jesus Christ, you seem relatively non-retarded most of the time. Can you not see that current incarnation of this on the other side of the blue/red divide? Perhaps this is a human nature thing as opposed to a strictly Liberal thing...
  4. I think it's backward, outdated, unevolved fundamentalist crap. In other words, I think it's religion.
  5. Angry, irrational and stupid is no way to go through life. Your religion is crap, but mine is the best!
  6. Link? (this should be good)
  7. Ah, the fruits of 24-hour xenophobic journalism. This feels a little bit like Muslim radicals trying to impose Islamic Law by throwing acid on schoolgirls to keep them from learning too much. Way to go wingnut retards. Let freedom ring!
  8. Half a halfwit maybe, and that's stretching things.
  9. You started looking yesterday...
  10. Still waiting for a credible link. You seem to be having a hard time with this.
  11. Kinda got your panties in a bunch this afternoon, huh? The "victory monument" idea might be worth considering if you could provide some sort of credible link. So far, your accusations seem to have nothing but hot air and bigotry behind them.
  12. Your posting history makes you a wingnut, not just your objection to the mosque. Quick, turn on the TV - Hannity's on!
  13. Something you don't believe in either - something that has absolutely no proof, no basis in reality. Yes, they're idiots. There's no need to re-hash this discussion, as we've done it many times. I'm not really sure what you're after here.
  14. I just saw the video - beautiful! They shut up pretty quick when Chan started yelling at them, huh? I like this hire more and more all the time.
  15. Like most politicians. I agree.
  16. I would have a MAJOR problem with that. Fortunately for me, wingnuts like yourself are all over this one, so we should be ok. I'm against infringing on the Constitutional rights of other Americans, no matter what their f-ed up belief system might be.
  17. I don't think Paladino's a "little person", if that's what you're getting at.
  18. No big deal. He seems like a flash in the pan and pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of things: someone to laugh at today and forget about tomorrow.
  19. I'm about as subtle as Mr. Paladino.
  20. It's certainly not going to win him many votes.
  21. You should be embarrassed.
  22. I only have an issue when they try to impose their belief system on other people or our government. My view, as I've stated many times, is that most of the problems in the world today have direct roots in religion. Since I don't believe in any of that crap, I therefore believe that most of the worlds problems have roots in nothing but a bunch of fairy tales that the masses have been raised to believe in. There is a rich history of religious intolerance in the human story, but it's strange when the shoe's on the other foot? My view is strange because it disagrees with the majority? There are enough pro-religion voices out there and not enough policy and opinion based on critical thought and, you know, reality. Maybe we should start circumventing the Constitution based on Santa Claus.
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