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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Were you as upset when the Sopranos did the same thing?
  2. But the violence is just fine? A bit backwards, no?
  3. It only makes sense once you realize how many of them are likely holding back their strange sexual predilections, mostly involving the very things they rail against. Like if a conservative Christian has some weird intrusive thoughts involving pedophilia, they assume everyone else does too and it must be a priority to stamp this out. It's just projection and self hatred for some. They're battling it every day, likely with varying levels of success. Many such folks seem to be draw to the priesthood. WWJD?
  4. Your guy cheated on all of his wives, appeared on Epstein's flight logs 69 times, and paid off a porn star. None of this is disputed. You have no moral high ground.
  5. No doubt. Maybe be upset that your church leaders have been systematically raping children for a couple thousand years. Nope! Everyone else is a pederast, not us Christians. It's the Dems, drag queens and queers - NOT our priests. Pay no attention to those law suits. It's just some bad apples. The hypocrisy is stunning if you really step back and allow yourself to absorb it, which of course many of you won't because it makes you uncomfortable. Xenophobia and projection at their absolute lowest.
  6. Don't worry, JD will bang a refrigerator soon and there will be more memes and momentum.
  7. You're advocating a violent reaction like what was done in the name of god at Charlie Hebdo? I thought Christianity was the religion of peace. So you're ok with the violence and associating Christianity with violence, even though all Jesus ever said was to love each other, treat everyone with respect, and turn the other cheek. The Bible says murder is a sin. The Bible says nothing negative about trans people. I'm becoming convinced that many of you just have a whole lot of weird and repressed sexual hangups and assume everyone else does too.
  8. Where was the outcry when Jesus and his apostles were openly portrayed as mobsters and murderers? Seriously, why be so offended by one and not the other?
  9. I love it when you pretend to be rational.
  10. You guys are so good at empty gestures. Thoughts and prayers.
  11. It will be seen as weakness because it's weak AF. Like beta cluck level weak. He's scared.
  12. Trump cheated on his wives and paid off a porn star, so who cares? The bar is incredibly low at this point. Also, JD Vance ***** a couch.
  13. I guess you guys were right. Age does matter. 78 is way too old, just like 81. We finally have a Gen X candidate! Here kitty, kitty, kitty!
  14. You talk as if he's capable of leaving Newsmax and twitter for that long.
  15. Looking forward to it, assuming Donald doesn't Duck out.
  16. The eff your feelings crew now getting upset and triggered over how Harris is on the attack? Deal with it, snowflakes. F your feelings.
  17. Yes, I do. He's too old and senile to debate her effectively and he knows it. That's why he's running from it. The "left" will goad him into it because of his ego and it will be bigly enjoyable to see. Hannibal Lecter? Sharks and batteries? Lol
  18. At least the couch and dolphin memes are funny. Like REALLY funny. 🤣🤣🤣 Conservatives often struggle with funny.
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