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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. It is ridiculous to think they they would give two schitts about us if we didn't meddle in their affairs. Your way of life is not that interesting.
  2. Even by your high standards, this is retarded.
  3. Like it or not, there are a lot of people who "think" like this these days.
  4. Expand your timeline just a bit and we could talk about the IRA.
  5. Have you always been slow or did something happen to you?
  6. Harry Reid? Aim high. As far as obsessions, well I'm not wearing the cloth.
  7. As opposed to the next tallest midget, who is trying to rape alter boys on a regular basis. Seriously? We are literally all up in their schitt right now, and have been for years. What wingnuts consider humor never ceases to amaze me. It's like a genetic defect.
  8. So it's kind of like the tallest midget?
  9. It's a religion, which is all you really need to know.
  10. You might be too far gone for help.
  11. Human Events - "Leading Conservative Media Since 1944" Related Articles Exposing the Koran's History by Julia Duin Islamists Say the Darndest Things by James Zumwalt Jihad to Subvert the Constitution by Connie Hair Why Public Schools Reek #187: Take Your Kid to a Radical Mosque Day! by Doug Giles No agenda there... You are a wingnut because you can't see, or more likely refuse to see the obvious bias. I mean, they don't even try to be subtle about it, and still you're all fired up.
  12. Looney Toons, time to bust out the tinfoil hats. Keep feeding your ravenous worldview, dummy.
  13. It's all relative. I never thought I would say this, but consider it neutral ground here. That last statement would normally be laughable, but in this case effectively illustrates how much of a wingnut you really are.
  14. So...nothing for Faux News then?
  15. You could at least have the decency of linking to Faux News or some such. Despite your obviously conspiracy-minded paranoia about the liberal media, if a story has legitimacy, legitimate news outlets will eventually pick it up. Keeping away from the lunatic fringe sites has the added benefit of acting as a pretty good filter from every piece of crap hack with an agenda and access to the internet.
  16. * Remember, never consider the source when you find something on the Internet that bolsters your worldview.
  17. Seriously? I'd say you're better than this, but...
  18. He's not American or part of the culture here? He wasn't aware of how Americans view dogs? What he did was both stupid and disgusting. This was killing for the sake of killing.
  19. Great point, let's vote another one in then...
  20. Jesus Saves, Satan Scores on the Rebound! Such a great tee-shirt.
  21. Let's not start a holy war now.
  22. Thankfully, Paladino doesn't stand much of a chance. Enjoy the sideshow while it lasts...
  23. Ah, Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball. -Pedro Cerrano
  24. Yes you're the big winner. I can tell that you must also be a big winner in life.
  25. Given what we know about the origins of the Universe and life on Earth today vs. what they knew then, I think it is reasonable to suppose that these extremely intelligent and forward-thinking men might come to a more "progressive" view and not see a need for god at all. That's just my opinion of course, but I don't think you're comparing apples to apples, so to speak. Regardless, I don't believe in god, but my problem is with organized religion. People are of course free to believe whatever they like, however silly those beliefs might be. Right...Joe's anti-catholic because Hitler was raised Catholic. Flawless logic as usual. Incidentally, my father would SO have kicked your fathers's a$$ at the soap kitchen! Funny how that works, huh?
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