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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. http://www.ksl.com/?...3424065&nid=148 There's no need for anyone to get their panties in a wad over this one because they're not using embryonic stem cells. This article is nearly a month old, but I just came across it. Pretty cool stuff!
  2. Congrats on hitting all the talking points as usual. Funnier than usual too!
  3. Ha! I get it! You are so clever.
  4. Yes, but what or WHO created the branes?
  5. I never claimed you believe in anything, I'm simply presenting an argument. I'm agnostic and would never make such an absolute statement as "there is no god". One can't prove such a negative. Which is why: is such a perfect characterization of the debate. Where did the notion of god even come from? It was made up out of whole cloth. That is why the burden of proof is on those who believe. Admittedly it's a no-win proposition for believers which is why in the end, invariably, they always fall back on faith and mysticism and other such ethereal nonsense.
  6. RKFast...I know, I know...
  7. Why don’t I believe in God? No, no no, why do YOU believe in God? Surely the burden of proof is on the believer. You started all this. If I came up to you and said, “Why don’t you believe I can fly?” You’d say, “Why would I?” I’d reply, “Because it’s a matter of faith.” If I then said, “Prove I can’t fly. Prove I can’t fly see, see, you can’t prove it can you?” You’d probably either walk away, call security or throw me out of the window and shout, ‘’F—ing fly then you lunatic.” Why don't you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster? (It's ok if you do. )
  8. Merry Christmas! (real or not, Jesus was a good dude)
  9. Wait a minute, I thought they were just going after the US specifically?
  10. After 12 years of indoctrination and much struggle, I've obviously reached my conclusions. It wasn't easy, but instead rather scary, and all started with the type of questioning that you're referring to. I think that you don't just change somebody's mind about deeply held beliefs. It's a process which starts with a seed of doubt. The seed sometimes grows and leads to disbelief, which is where I ended up. Sometimes I think it's just too much for people to leave behind. In the end, to me, the truth is more important than anything else such as feeling you are special or that you and your loved ones will be reunited in the afterlife. Once I got past the scary part, I was able to find meaning, purpose and morality in my life with no need for supernatural beings upstairs watching my every move. My sometimes militant approach to this subject is intended to plant seeds of doubt using reason and logic. I feel like I owe a few people a great deal for doing the same for me and I intend to pass it on. Question everything. What are you basing your belief on?
  11. Because it's the result of an evolutionary mechanism that is no longer critical to human survival. It's time to show some backbone and capacity for critical thought before some whack job blows up something really big and important for no good reason, IMO.
  12. Politics, religion, sports...pick your team of choice. The mentality is very apparent to me as a deeply-ingrained part of human nature. The difference with regard to religion is, was and always will be that it is based on nothing but what some dudes made up and the masses buy into on faith alone. You could say that about zealots on both sides of that particular debate, which is why I think it is better to wait and let the science bear out. God has virtually no chance of the same definitive outcome.
  13. Show me all the atheists forcibly trying to convert others. Show me all the atheists killing in the name of...uh...nevermind. To me, it's a welcome sign of the times that the Lincoln Tunnel sign is up. Perhaps thinking critically and rationally is becoming more mainstream and acceptable. And speaking of moral highground, again from the article: Hardcore athiest conversion campaign: http://www.newjerseynewsroom.com/style/billboard-at-the-lincoln-tunnel-celebrates-atheism
  14. Unfortunately, this kind of thing often comes with the territory. Note: that was not an absolute statement, but rather a provable assertion.
  15. This is the problem with belief in the first place. Religion is based on rigid, absolute, immutable, unchanging truth. Buying into that model will inevitably lead followers to think that all people should believe what they know to be true. How they go about convincing other, less enlightened people of this truth is what separates the cute, relatively harmless religions from the really bad ones. You'll never see an atheist or agnostic killing, harming or forcibly trying to convert someone to non-belief. Yes, most atheists eat small children in their free time. The truth is that most atheists keep to themselves because the world is fully of religious fanatics and don't think it's generally worth the effort. Too bad that doesn't work in reverse as well.
  16. I have kids too, so I know what you mean! That's why god invented the DVR. Mythbusters is great. How's The Walking Dead?
  17. You obviously don't watch enough TV. That's why faith is so very important to every religion ever conceived. All 2870 gods depend on it. *Except the FSM and L. Ron Hubbard. They're obviously real.
  18. I think the UAL and UAA can co-exist peacefully, but I'll be damned if you think I'm joining up with any sea otters.
  19. He gets a gold star for reading "My Pet Goat" so eloquently. It's amazing to me how quickly the Patriotism on the Right runs cold once we start talking about dollars and cents.
  20. I can't answer the rest of what you're asking, but it seems to me that 9/11 counts for more than other, "lesser" disasters. It simply does. In this case, I think it's mostly about all the carcinogens that these people were breathing in (for days and days) as a result of these old buildings collapsing. Katrina, for example, was very bad, but there does not seem to be type of long-term threat associated with those who helped out with that. I can't think of anything else to really compare 9/11 to.
  21. I doubt many of them were too concerned with their own safety at the time, which is part of why I think these guys and girls actually live up to the word "hero".
  22. If we can just change the definition of what god is, then count me in. God is a science. I believe in god.
  23. Smerlas is an idiot, a Tom Brady fanboy of the worst kind and a traitor. Belichick knows exactly what he's doing. He has an extensive video collection to go with each ring.
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