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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Alabama you say? Shocking! Nice that he felt the need to say that he's going to be a 'colorblind' governor as well...
  2. Too much of a kitty to go after the Mexican kid?
  3. Wow, I'm glad you asked that question because the answer is pretty cool. So I did some reading: Early Stuxnet Variants Used 'Cunning' Hack of AutoRun to Spread It seems that early on, it used a vulnerability in Window's AutoRun routine. The autorun.ini file would exist at the root of a removable usb drive, cd or some other media. When inserted into a Windows system, provided the AutoRun settings were favorable for the worm, it would execute code hidden in very same autorun.ini file. It would also add an additional 'Open' command to the main Windows context menu (right-click an empty area on your desktop). When invoked, Windows would launch Stuxnet in the background while otherwise behaving normally. Microsoft has since patched this exploit. Details of the early AutoRun exploit: Stuxnet Before the .lnk File Vulnerability In March of 2010, it seems, an upgraded version of Stuxnet began exploiting a Windows vulnerability having to so with the Print Spooler service. This exploit was first published in a Polish Hacking magazine and was in the public domain for at least a year before Microsoft did anything about it. This exploit has (finally) been patched as well. Microsoft Missed 2009 Published Article on Stuxnet-Type Attack
  4. Ya, we can probably cut the shooting victim some slack here, and I don't think the actions or words of said shooting victim should be used as a barometer for the rest of the country.
  5. I think the best argument is that the rich are benefiting from a system that rewards specific sets of skills. They are paying back into a system from which they benefit the most.
  6. Thanks you Dr. Savage. Wut up with China?
  7. So, you pulling $250K or are you in the poorhouse like 95% of everyone here? I'm not sure you're the big city slicker I should be taking advice from.
  8. Turn on Fox News for 5 minutes and tell me all about the mainstream media. I think Sarah Palin's crosshairs and gun metaphors have a lot to do with why people assume this was politically-motivated.
  9. That's true, the norm lately seems to be all-in, one side or the other. By "fridge", do you mean "pants"?
  10. You're implying that the shooter was a crazy liberal who attempted to kill a liberal Congresswoman?
  11. I think the best case scenario at any time is when the Congress, Senate and POTUS are not controlled by the same party.
  12. Funny, this seems like the exact type of thing you might try to make political hay from if the roles were reversed.
  13. Two words: Stem Cells. The people also elected the current Senate and POTUS.
  14. Correlation != Causation, so you're misapplying Occum's machete...a better application might be: the guy is insane, which is why he shot a bunch of people. In your quest for the truth here, you have dismissed the whole 'Crosshairs' campaign out-of-hand, even though there's a more obvious and direct correlation. Then you turn around and go right to the 'Reefer Madness' hypothesis, which conveniently happens to meet with your pre-existing view. We all know potheads are always running around killing people after all - damned hippies!
  15. Of course what you're saying may be correct, but I'd love to see your take if it were an eco-terrorist or some PETA activist.
  16. !@#$ that! It'll never work anyway.
  17. The American voters are not the neighbor in this analogy and have every right to complain about both of these morons.
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