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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. There aren't many liberals left around here. PPP is becoming the Fox News of message boards.
  2. Maybe you've become less liberal. Maher is nuts. He's nearly as bad as Oprah when it comes to promoting every hocus pocus alternative medicine imaginable. He's an anti-vaccination and anti-western medicine and is very vocal about all of this.
  3. It's kind of scary that people actually buy into partisan talking points as much as you seem to.
  4. Sorry, but that is EXACTLY what you're saying. What's the point of this thread otherwise?
  5. Watch out Socialists, Gary's watching you!
  6. Ohhhhh....of course. Because I'm Socialist. I see what you did there. Very clever. I didn't like the head bouncing down the stairs thing at first, but it's growing on me. Damn - you are on a roll! Get it...roll? Seriously, don't let anyone tell you that you're not funny.
  7. Oh, weird, you're right. Seems I insulted Gary M without cause, not that he doesn't deserve it for near serial idiocy. Sorry G. Now I'm starting to think that he might be a closeted Socialist. Why are you so in touch with what the Socialist Party of the USA is all about, Gary?
  8. Why the F would I care about what the Socialist Party of the USA thinks about anything?
  9. Beautiful family, love my job, just got a raise. Yeah, my life sucks.
  10. Yeah...those were teenagers and McKelvin's grass wasn't 130 years old. Not really the same thing.
  11. Nice impartial site, retard!
  12. He's wrong. Only most of the America people are dumb. Is our children learning? No.
  13. Discounting Iraq, that's pretty funny.
  14. The Obama Administration must be doing something right if this is what you hacks are focused on.
  15. How very cliché of you...
  16. Preventing magnetic pole reversal is not technically feasible - I doubt anyone even has a reasonable theory on how it might be done. The difference between that and the other, of course, is that there is no evidence that we're directly contributing to the pole reversal. Of course you know this.
  17. Ok, I'll bite...from your article: Seems less than conclusive to me. First, it doesn't say anything about man-made global warming except that we don't need to worry about it because we're about to get screwed when the poles get swapped. You are basing your whole case on "maybes", which is exactly what many of you complain global warming scientists do.
  18. Maybe it's quantum physics... HOW are the changing magnetic fields affecting the weather? That's on you first. You can't throw out random theories without giving any supporting evidence and expect people to try to debunk every one. It takes much longer to analyze and understand an idea that it does to just randomly think of one that kind of makes sense to you. Lack of response to your "challenge" is not proof of anything except that people are ignoring your poorly-framed argument.
  19. You love numbers. In raw numbers, which of the organizations mentioned has been involved in the most incidents/cover-ups? The supreme authority of god gives certain organizations a leg up in the child abuse game.
  20. The OP?
  21. I was actually thinking of the Mormons, but now that you mention it, don't the Catholic priests rape kids too? If anything, that supports my point...would extreme practitioners have justification without religion? In the absence of organized religion, what would give these PEOPLE the authority to "enable" pedophilia?
  22. Sorry, you're right. Any religion which enables pedophilia and rape !@#$ing sucks. Oh wait, that's still too broad a brush...
  23. Religion !@#$ing Sucks
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