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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. There's as much proof for his as there is for any of the others. O RLY?
  2. I've obviously come to the right place.
  3. I also spend a lot of time reading what they post. Just sayin' If I didn't have to explain it 50 times for some of our brighter posters, I might not need to spend so much time taking about them.
  4. The only thing political about this thread is that oftentimes, staunch anti-gay conservative officials turn out to be closeted homosexuals. There was also what I consider to be a throw-away dig about babies and their little baby parts. So...maybe this thread was 1% political before I declared it 0% political before I just clarified it as .01% political. Does that clear everything up? One more time...you Conservatives might not appreciate this as much as other guys might because you don't like boobs because you are gay. Get it? Jesus Christ...
  5. It was simply an excuse for calling you guys a bunch of closeted homos. Really. Don't you hate it when you have to explain something over and over and over again? You're right - that was weak. There's not 'a lot like' about it.
  6. Aside from the occasional TSW post, this is the only forum I really post in with any regularity. I think of it like a community service - a lot like working with special needs folks. You really don't know how lucky you are!
  7. *Yawn* But that's what I'd expect from a bunch of repressed homos. You guys are totally missing the point of these stem cell threads. They are not politically-motivated. If I read something exciting about stem cell research, which I find to be a fascinating field, I'll post it because I think it's great. There's no downside for anyone. It seems to me that the only "tools" are the ones who see the words "stem cells" in 2011 and immediately think politics. It's extremely funny to me that you jackasses can't get past the fact that this was, until recently, a hot-button political issue. I think I'm going to keep passing these things along regardless. Again, if I occasionally like poking at the Sean Hannity worshiping retards among us, well, THAT is because I don't like you or your politics. Again, this has nothing to do with stem cells. OC, that's the first post of yours I've read in a long, long time. I can see I haven't been missing much. Just the same old tired ****...
  8. PLEASE! The reason the Chinese can get things done without all that pesky environmental and labor interference you're referring to is because China is controlled by a repressive, totalitarian government that can do whatever the hell it wants. Let's be more like China, right?
  9. Jesus Christ, look who's talking about rhetoric! Tell everyone for the 500th time about how funny you think it is either that the left does x or is hypocritical about y...
  10. Old-school conservatives have gone the way of the dodo. Libertarians come closest, but they're mostly crazy.
  11. Sorry Doc, you're right, I should have said "self-hating-closeted-homos". Not that there's anything wrong with some of that. Nice "I know you are but what am I" defense though. That's EXACTLY what I was thinking of when I wrote that, but I couldn't place the movie for some reason. Thank you!
  12. That old rhetoric doesn't really matter anymore and only serves to cloud the issue. The Bush Administration's motives were likely never truly voiced by anyone official. In the end, no motive really justifies the loss of lives and resources. As righties like to say when looking to do away with all non-military spending, our grandkids' kids will still be paying for this one. Without NASA you wouldn't be posting this.
  13. I respectfully disagree, though it's not an easy thing to answer either way IMO. Why did we need to spend our resources and our soldiers' lives to bring "more free" to Iraq? This seems like a very un-conservative thing to do. Shouldn't the Iraqis have the "personal responsibility" to acquire their own freedom?
  14. You think that implying that you're all a bunch of homos was some kind of serious sentiment? What you do in the privacy of your own home is none of my business.
  15. I see idiots. In your dreams? While you're awake? Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're idiots. How often do you see them? All the time. They're everywhere.
  16. I guess that the end always justifies the means.
  17. Just to clear up any misunderstanding, I said that you righties might not appreciate this as much as other guys is because you are all homos, not anti-stem-cell. Sorry for any confusion.
  18. You're a !@#$ing lunatic. All I said was that there aren't a lot of liberals around here lately, which makes this place a very one-sided discussion. But I'll play along. It's possible that outside of you Tea Baggers, people have become rather disinterested as the economy improves. I know, I know, we're all doomed and the economy is in its death throws. Elect Sarah Palin right quick! The truth is that the base of the party with the least power will always be the angriest and most vocal. Look at PPP now vs. 2008 for further proof.
  19. Tell that to the woman who looses her breasts to cancer. Dick. And I'm not 'on' any stem cell thing, I just have a Google alert and pass along the things I find interesting. If I throw a little dig in for you righties once in a while it's because I think these discoveries could have been here sooner. Please feel free to ignore any stem cell threads in the future. BTW, Bush was "creepy" about it because god told him to be.
  20. Do you guys ever get tired of jerking each other off?
  21. The miracle that is stem cell therapy just keeps on giving. Note, this procedure does NOT involve killing little babies and harvesting their little baby parts, as it uses the patient's own stem cells.
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