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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Not quite as much since he was banned, though his name still gets mentioned a lot. Why did conner get banned anyway?
  2. I work with Radiologists who get 26 weeks of vacation per year.
  3. !@#$ is a beautiful set of characters and can represent many, many wonderful words.
  4. Was that meant to start with an F? If so, that is a great word - quite underused and applicable to so many people.
  5. Outlandish hyperbole isn't really supporting your view very well.
  6. I'm not a big fan of any of these types.
  7. I'm sorry, I thought organized religion is inherently moral and decent?
  8. No need to apologize because revenge has no place in the legal system [sorry Jim]. Your idea works for me.
  9. Holy crap, nice Nazi tie-in. The uber-rich are like the Jews in Nazi Germany? Seriously? It's insulting and I think I'd be offended if I were of Jewish or even German descent.
  10. A middle-of-the-road, thinking man like yourself? I find that hard to believe!
  11. I'm not a fan of Michael Moore. Very nice use of the you're contraction, Joseph! A++
  12. No need to throw up strawmen or blow this out of proportion. The US Constitution is more important than your cynicism about how our bloated government works. I'm sure no superfluous time or money went into designing and building the various solitary-confinement-style Supermax prisons scattered across the country, right???
  13. Shouldn't you be posting on some Dallas forum, fattie?
  14. Grammatically, shouldn't that site be called "Really Clear Politics"?
  15. All I'm saying (obviously ineffectively) is that your conclusion doesn't jibe with reality. There do actually seem to be some Vonage commercials which feature white people - that seems pretty indisputable. It occurs to me that this might be one of those circumstances in which every time you see a Vonage commercial which doesn't include white people, your conclusion that no Vonage commercials include white people is strengthened (in your own mind). This is an example of confirmation bias. It's a common human weakness, which is why actual data is so much more important that one's arbitrary perceptions. This was not really a knock on you, just an opportunity to illustrate the concept. I don't think I've ever seen Mother Jones links on this site. I actually had to look up what you were talking about. It's also possible that I'm just a victim of confirmation bias. FWIW, confirmation bias is not generally a conscious behavior. It's just something humans tend to engage in without even knowing it.
  16. Missed that I guess, but this thread is not about capital punishment. In fact, none of my arguments have anything to do with capital punishment, except for the fact that I don't consider it cruel and unusual. Obviously, in some states capital punishment is not even a legal option and in those places it's kind of a moot point. Just to be clear (for anyone who cares), capital punishment is acceptable under the cruel and unusual punishment clause, while extended solitary confinement is not. Just my opinion.
  17. Right, dingdong, that's why I called it confirmation bias. Cheers! Confirmation Bias
  18. I guess not everyone has excess time for such in-depth research.
  19. Really, you can't?
  20. That's my opinion. You'll notice I also say that killing him is acceptable. Bleeding heart indeed. The cruel and unusual punishment clause has nothing to do with the victim. Really, I know you're not dumb.
  21. Looks like RkFast is a victim of some confirmation bias.
  22. It's preferable to the way things are done in England, which illustrates the other extreme.
  23. Of course not. This has nothing to do with the victims. I didn't call you a liberal. I called you a bleeding heart. "Just think of the victims!" Incidentally, it humors greatly to see you guys fall back on this emotional argument. What a bunch of pansies!
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