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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Those are some pretty sciency statistics you've got there. Can I coin "sciency" or has somebody beat me to it?
  2. If only that were true...
  3. Ahhh, you hit the nail on the head, congrats. His reporting is not what you're bitching about here. I was pulling your chain on the truthful part. It's a subjective statement and the "truth" is in the eye of the beholder. In my opinion, all reporting should be unbiased. Unfortunately, that's just about the polar opposite of the world we live in.
  4. That be LA or Buffalo time? Squeezed between Fox and Friends and O'Reilley? This board be a living, breathing Fox News schedule.
  5. Defund NPR because somebody had a (truthful) opinion. Bit of a stretch I think.
  6. Dude, if I wanted your opinion I'd watch Sean Hannity. What time he on anyway?
  7. No, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I just think it's an insight into what an incredibly partisan hack you've become. It's completely mindless rhetoric in the spirit of Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc... It makes it abundantly clear how worthless and trite your opinion really is. I could turn on any conservative radio or television program and know exactly what you're thinking about political issues at any time. When I first started reading this board, you at least pretended to be middle-of-the-road with your politics. How the "mighty" have fallen!
  8. I hadn't thought about it that way.
  9. Is this thread about Obama or Obamacare or pushing liberals down flights of stairs? Soooo funny watching you squirm. Thanks for putting a smile on my face on this lovely WNY AM! The Geno thing might be annoying if it was actually my name, Mock. Stay classy LA.
  10. Fanboy till the bitter end. At least you're consistent. Change 2.0: more of the same.
  11. Yes, those are going quite well.
  12. I simply dislike the right more than I dislike the left. It's not like my signature contains quotes about pushing liberals down stairs. It's not like every single post I write is infused at its core with red or blue rhetoric like some here. Answer the question and stop deflecting. Where's the revolution that's going to save the country after that huge victory in the midterms? Looks like more of the same so far to me, which is exactly what I told you when you were all excited 4-5 months ago.
  13. Reality sucks. Obama homers have as much crow to eat as Tea Party fanboys like LABillz. Who wins? Nobody.
  14. That's all you got? Where's the revolution you've been talking about all these months dude?
  15. Don't worry, much of America is right there with you!
  16. On a more serious note, who could have predicted that the Tea Party folks wouldn't be able to live up to their pie-in-the-sky campaign promises? It would be funny if it weren't so very sad and predictable.
  17. Time for Texas to do the right thing and just secede. That would trim a whole lot of fat from our Federal budget because, well, Texans are fat.
  18. It amazes me how many of them engage in this practice. They do make a shitload of money though.
  19. I would think that should "elevate" you to moderator on PPP.
  20. Just the senior docs get that much. It doesn't take long in some practices to get 13 or more though. With radiologists in the US, it doesn't have anything to do with exposure as far as I know, because they don't get exposed to very much radiation at all. They generally just read the resulting images once they're captured, usually in a dark room with huge computer monitors. They rarely even see patients anymore. The peons (techs) do have hard-and-fast exposure limits and their schedule rotations are built around that fact. Most of the time, techs also wear radiation badges, which turn black as they're exposed to more and more radiation.
  21. I think that the first line actually refers to the rounding up of communists, but 'Jews' seemed more effective. I guess you might be referring to the fact that Jews were resented in Germany because of their perceived wealth? Interesting point, but I don't see the Third Reich equivalent gaining power in America unless Tea Party membership grows substantially in the next few years. When you ALL need the short bus, NOBODY needs the short bus.
  22. What was the hold-up then? I'm seriously curious to hear about the straw that broke the camel's back.
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